CHEM1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Ammonium Chloride, Medicinal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry

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30 Jun 2018
Organic Chemistry text - Jonathan Claydon, Nick Greeves and Stuart warren, Oxford University
press, 2nd ed., 2012
Bring molecular model kit
Chapter 30: solving molecular structures
Chapter 22: the chemistry of organic compounds
Chapter 24: chemistry of alkenes and alkynes
Chapter 28: benzene and derivatives
Regular textbook: chapters
Only found in 1 spot
Put on spearheads to make them toxic
Angina-like chest pain
Asthma-like breathing difficulties
Unstable blood pressure
Haemolysis (destruction of red blood cells)
Rapid onset, death follows in minutes
Molecular formula: C₁₂₉H₂₂₃N₃O₅₄
Molecular weight: 2680.13 amu
Stereochemical elements: 71 stereogenic centres - shape
So many isomers that there is not enough carbon on earth to construct it
The plant only produces one specific isomer
The traceable lines represent carbon - carbon lines
Points on lines represent carbon atoms
Has more than one functional group (many, which interact with each other)
Why does this this toxin cause these things? What is its chemical stricture?
Palytoxin - found in a moss and was thought to be used as biological warfare
Structure - reactions - mechanism (intimate connection)
Historical definition: materials obtained from living things
Organic compounds = non-physical inner force or energy that gives life
Vs inorganic chemistry: materials derived from rocks and mineral
Obtained urea by treating silver isocyan ate with ammonium chloride
This debunked the theory that organic compounds can only be obtained from living
things - due to inner force
Over 90% of the almost 92 million (as of 2015) known compounds are organic (goes up
by about 5 million annually)
Happens all the time in medicinal chemistry - foresee that a molecule might have
desirable properties
Understanding the general structures and applying them to all these molecules
(functional groups) helps us to draw conclusions on the behaviour of the compound
without having to go make it
Father or organic chemistry: Friedrich Wöhler
Modern definition: the chemistry of carbon based compounds
Very important: medicines, DNA, RNA, spider webs, polypeptides, Kevlar, agricultural products
(food) rely on organic pesticides, fuels, etc. are all organic
Organic chemistry is a creative science
Organic chemistry:
Structure of Carbon
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Organic Chemistry
03 March 2017
CHEM1101 Page 1
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