BIOS1167 Lecture 10: Week 10 Notes

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Biochemical reactions in a living organism that break down or build up molecules. Metabolic reactions occur in specific sites within the cell. The body relies on reactions to be able to function. Body needs to produce energy heat and chemical energy in the form of atp. Atp can then be used to power other reactions in the body that require energy. Metabolic pathway: is a series of consecutive biochemical reactions in a cell. Catabolic reaction: breakdown larger molecules into smaller ones. Anabolic reaction: synthesize (make) larger molecules from smaller ones. Basal metabolic rate: amount of energy while at rest to keep vital functions going (heart, breathing, warmth) There are also energy needs that are above the bmr eg. physical exercise (unplanned posture, body changes/planned moving, walking) and also thermic effect of food (needed by digestive system to process food for storage and use) % lean muscle mass, body surface area, gender, age, hormone levels, pregnancy.