BIOS1171 Lecture 9: Lecture 9 Cerebral Hemispheres

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Internal to grey matter: e. g. corpus callosum (corpus = body, callosum = hard) connecting 2 hemispheres; dots (bundle of fibres to allow communication between 2 sides, ventricles, contain csf. Ventricles: spaces that contain csf to deliver nutrients, remove wastes & act as a buoyancy force, lateral ventricles = 1st & 2nd ventricles, third ventricle, fourth ventricle body body (foramen of luschka) Thalamus (= inner chamber: white matter. Internal capsule: most incoming and outgoing pathways for the cortex. Limbic lobe/cortex: cingulate gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus: anatomical (histological methods) Positive substance emitted, 2 rays are emitted and identifies the collision point. Suck out more o2 = more intense injury. High radiation so less safe: safer, emit different kinds of energy (to identify high or low activity areas, uses radiofrequencies of body functions. [are connected to primary areas & other areas] Small: e. g. internal capsule, sensory/motor fibres communicate between cerebral cortex & subcortical structures (brain stem & spc, commissural fibres: