CIS 2050 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Industrial Control System, Elk Cloner, Stuxnet

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Describe the historical development of cybercrime due to the
introduction of the Internet.
Identify some of the techniques of viruses, the different types
and their design.
Explain preventive methods of hacking, and the design of a
secure system.
Describe the systems approach to build a security system, and
how it is different from the traditional approach.
Learning Outcomes:
Stuxnet virus that ravaged Iran's Nataz nuclear facility was far
more dangerous then the cyberweapon that is now lodged in
the public's imagination
Stuxnet is known for destroying nuclear centrifuges by
causing them to spin out of control
Designed to secretly draw the equivalent of an electrical
blueprint of the Natanz plant to understand how the
computers control the centrifuges to enrich uranium
Previous element changed global military strategy in the 21st
Only after years of undetected infiltration did the US and
Israel unleash the second variation to attack the centrifuges
themselves and self-replicate to all sorts of computers
While the second Stuxnet is considered the first cyber
act of force, the new details reveal that the impact of the
first virus will be much greater
That’s because the initial attack provided a useful
blueprint to future attackers by highlighting the royal
road to infiltration of hard targets
The fist version was only detected with the knowledge of the
Pretty much every single industrial or military facility that
uses industrial control systems at some scale is dependent on
its network of contractors, many of which are very good at
narrowly defined engineering tasks, but lousy at cybersecurity
Most modern plants operate with a standardized
industrial control system, so if one gets control of one
industrial control system, they can infiltrate many more
Civilian critical infrastructure becomes a troubling potential
Read: Business Insider. Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear plant was
'far more dangerous' than previously thought.
When this replication succeeds, the affected areas are
then said to be infected with a computer virus
A computer virus is a type of malicious software program
(malware) that replicates itself when executed by modifying
other computer programs and inserting its own code
The vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows, employing a variety of
mechanisms to infect new hosts, and often using
complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade
antivirus software
Motives: profits, political messages, amusement,
demonstrate vulnerability in software or to explore
cyber security issues/ artificial life/ evolutionary
Virus writers use social engineering deceptions and exploit
detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities to initially
infect systems and spread the virus
In response, fee and open-source antivirus tools have
been developed and an industry of antivirus software
has cropped up
As of 2005, even though no currently existing antivirus
software was able to uncover all computer viruses,
computer security researchers are actively searching for
new ways to enable antivirus solutions to more
effectively detect emerging viruses before they are
widely distributed
Computer viruses cause billions of dollars worth of economic
damage each year due to causing system failure, wasting
computer resources, corrupting data, increasing maintenance
The majority of active malware threats are actually
trojan horse programs or other computer worms, rather
than computer viruses
The term computer virus is a misnomer
Acquisition of hard disk space or central
processing unit (CPU) time
Accessing private information
Corrupting data
Displaying political or humorous messages on the
user's screen
Spamming their email contact
Logging their keystrokes
Rendering the computer useless
Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on
infected host computers, such as:
The defining characteristic of viruses is that they
are self-replicating computer programs which
modify other software without user consent
Not all computer viruses carry a destructive "payload"
and attempt to hide themselves
"Malware" encompasses computer viruses along with many
other forms of malicious software (computer worms,
ransomware, spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers,
rootkits, bootkits, malicious browser helper object aka BHO)
Design for a self-reproducing computer program
is considered the first computer virus
He is considered to be the theoretical "father" of
computer virology
First academic work on the theory of self-replicating
computer programs was done in 1949 by John von
Described a fully functional virus written in
assembler programming language for a SIEMENS
4004/35 computer system
In 1972, Veith Risak built upon this work
In 1980 rgen Kraus postulated that computer
programs can behave in similar ways to biological
Gained access via ARPANET and copied
itself to the remote system where there was
a message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you
can!" displayed
Reaper program was created to deleted
1970s: Creeper virus used ARPANET to infect
DEC PDD-10 computers running the TENEX
operating system
Written by a 9th grader as a practical joke
Virus attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3
operating system and spread via floppy disk
(injected in a game)
On its 5th use, the virus would be activated,
infecting the personal computer and
displaying a short poem beginning with
"Elk Cloner: the program with a
1982: "Elk Cloner" was first personal computer
virus (to appear outside a computer lab)
No algorithm that can perfectly detect all
possible viruses
Theoretical compression virus -example of
a virus which was not malware but well-
intentioned (benevolent)
*1987: Fred Cohen termed the word "virus: with
his paper "Computer Viruses -Theory and
1984: use of virus functions to provide virtual
APL interpreter under user control -J.B. Gunn
Deter unauthorized copying of software
they had written
1986: first IMB PC virus in the "wild" = ©Brain
Relied on DOS interrupts
1992: first virus to target Microsoft Windows,
WinVir was discovered
1996: Boza virus targeted Windows 95
1997: encrypted, memory resident stealth virus
Win32.Canabanas was released -first known
virus to target Windows NT (and 3.0 and 9x
1987: SCA virus targeted home computers
Users would be required to click on a link
to activate the virus, which would then send
an email containing user data to an
anonymous email address
This included IP address, email address,
contacts, website browing history, and
commonly used phrases
2001: Win32.5-0-1 targeted MSN Messenger and
online bulletin boards
2008: larger websites used part of Win32.5-0-1 to
track web users advertising-related interests
First examples:
Historical Development:
Every computer virus must also contain a
routine to copy itself into the program
which the search routine locates
*a viable virus must contain a search routine,
which locates new files or new disks which are
worthwhile targets for infection
Typically has a search routine, which
locates new files or new disks for
Infection mechanism (or vector) -how the
virus spreads or propagates
Such as: particular date/time,
presence of another program, capacity
of the disk exceeding some limit, or a
double-click that opens a particular
Trigger (logic bomb) -the compiled version
that could be activated any time an
executable file with the virus is run that
determines the event or condition for the
malicious "payload" to be activated or
May be noticeable (as most of the
time the payload itself is harmful
activity) or sometimes non-
destructive but distributive, terms the
Virus hoax
Payload -the actual body or data that
perform the actual malicious purpose of the
Main three parts:
Virus program is idle but has managed to
access the target user's computer or
software, but during this stage, the virus
does not take any action
Virus will be activated by the "trigger"
Not all viruses have this stage
Dormant phase
Virus starts proagating (multiplying and
Virus places a copy of itself into other
programs or into certain system areas on the
Viruses often morph or change to
evafe detection
Copy may not be identical to the
propagating version
Each infected program will not contain a
clone of the virus, which will itself enter a
propagation phase
Propagation phase
Dormant virus moves into this phase when
it is activated
Can be caused by a variety of system events
(including a count of the number of times
that is copy of the virus has made copies of
Triggering phase
Actual work of the virus, where the payload
will be released
It can be destructive such as deleting files
on disk, crashing the system, or corrupting
files or relatively harmless such as popping
up humorous or political messages on-
Execution phase
Operations and Functions:
Resident viruses overwrite interrupt
handling code or other functions, and when
the operating system attempts to access the
target file or disk sector, the virus code
intercepts the request and redirects the
control flow to the replication module,
infecting the target
A memory-resident virus installs itself as part of
the operating system when executed, after which
it remains in RAM from the time the computer is
booted up to when it is shut down
A non-memory-resident virus when executed,
scans the disk for targets, infects them and then
Resident vs Non-resident Viruses
Many common applications (Microsoft
Outlook/Word) allow macro programs to be
embedded in documents or emails, so that the
programs may be run automatically when the
document is opened
A macro (document) virus is a virus that is written
in a macro language, and embedded into these
documents so that when users open the file, the
virus code is executed and can infect the user's
Macro Viruses
Specifically target the boot sector and/or the
Master Boot Record (MBR) of the host's hard
drive or removable storage media
Boot Sector Viruses
Intentionally uses the email system to spread
While virus infected files may be accidentally
send as email attachments, email viruses are
aware of email system functions
Generally target a specific type of email system
(Microsoft Outlook is most common), harvest
email addresses from various sources and may
append copies of themselves to all email sent, or
may generate email messages containing copies
of themselves as attachments
Email Virus
Infection Targets and Replication Techniques:
Does not fool antivirus software
Some old viruses (especially on MS-DOS
platform) make sure the "last modified" date of a
host file stays the same when the file is infected
by the virus
= cavity viruses
Overwrite unused areas of executable files
Ex. Chernobyl Virus (CIH) infects portable
executable files
Some viruses can infect files without increasing
their sizes or damaging the files
Some viruses try to avoid detection by killing the
tasks associated with antivirus software before it
can detect them (ex. Conficker)
In order to avoid detection, some viruses employ
different kinds of deception
In Microsoft Windows operating systems,
the NTFS file system is proprietary
Leaves antivirus software little alternative
but to send a "read" request to Windows OS
files that handle such requests
Some viruses trick antivirus software by
intercepting its requests to the Operating
A virus can hide by intercepting the request
to read the infected file, handling the
request itself, and returning an uninfected
version of the file to the antivirus software
Interception can occur by code injection of
the actual operating system files that would
handle the read request
Thus, an antivirus software attempting to
detect the virus will either not be given
permission to read the infected file, or the
"read" request will be served with the
uninfected version of the same file
Once infection occurs, any recourse to "clean"
system is unreliable
Security software can then be used to check
the dormant operating system files
Most security software relies on virus
signatures, or they employ heuristics
Security software may also use a database
of the file "hashes" for Windows OS files,
so the security software can identify altered
files, and request Windows installation
media to replace them with authentic
Therefore, using file hashes to scan
for altered files would not always
guarantee finding an infection
In older versions of Windows, file
cryptographic hash functions of Windows
OS files stored in Windows (to allow file
integrity/authenticity to be checked) could
be overwritten so that the System File
Checker would report that altered system
files are authentic
The only reliable method to avoid stealth viruses
is to "reboot" from a medium that is known to be
Read Request Intercepts:
*most antivirus programs try to find virus-
patterns inside ordinary programs by scaning
them for virus signatures
One method of signature detection evasion
is to use simple encryption to encipher
(encode) in the body of the virus, leaving
only the encryption module and a static
cryptographic key in the cleartext (which
does not change from one infection to the
Virus consists of a small decrypting module
and an encrypted copy of the virus code
Virus scanner can still detect decrypting
module indirectly
Self-modifying code is such a rarity that is
bay be reason for virus scanners to at least
"flag" the file as suspicious
An old but compact way will be the use of
arthimetric operation and the use of logical
= cyptovirology
At these times, the executable will
decrypt the virus and execute its
hidden runtime, infecting the
computer and sometimes diaabling
the antivirus software
Some viruses will employ a means of
encryption inside an executable in which
the virus is encrypted under certain events,
such as the virus scanner being diables for
updates or the computer being rebooted
Encrypted Viruses
First technique that posed serious threat to
virus scanners
Infects files with an encrypted copy of
itself, which is decoded by a decryption
module, which itself is modified on each
Therefore, a polymorphic virus can no parts
which reamin identical between infections
Antivirus software can detect it by
decrypting the viruses using an emulator, or
by statistical pattern analysis of the
encrypted virus body
To enable polymorphic code, the virus has
to have a polymorphic engine somewhere in
its encrypted body
Makes it more difficult for antivirus
professionals and investigators to
obtain representative sample of the
Can employ polymorphic codes that
constrains the mutation rate
Polymorphic Code
Some viruses rewrite themselves
completely each time they are to infect new
Viruses that utilize this technique are said to
be in metamorphic code (with a
metamorphic engine)
A metamorphic virus is usually large and
complex (ex. W32/Simile)
Metamorphic Code
Stealth Techniques:
Software is designed with security features to
prevent unauthorized use of system resources,
many viruses must exploit and manipulate
security bugs, which are security defects in a
system or application software, to spread
themselves and infect other computers
Software development strategies that produce
large number of "bugs" will generally also
produce potential exploitable "holes" or
"entrances" for the virus
Software Bugs
In order to replicate itself, a virus must be
permitted to execute code and writ to memory
For this reason, many viruses attach themselves to
executable files that may be part of legitimate
If a user attempts to launch an infected program,
the virus' code may be executed simultaneously
Social Engineering and Poor Security Practices
Due to Microsoft's large market share of
desktop computer users
Vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows
Diversity of software systems on a network limits
the destructive potential of viruses and malware
Many windows users are running the same
set of applications, enabling viruses to
rapidly spread among Microsoft Windows
systems by targeting the same exploits on a
large number of hosts
Open-source operating systems such as Linux
allow users to choose from a variety of desktop
environments, which means that malicious code
targeted any of these systems will only affect a
small subset of users
Window users are generally not prevented from
making changes to operating systems
Vulnerability of Different Operating Systems
Vulnerabilities and Infection Vectors:
Antivirus software can detect and eliminate
known viruses when the computer attempts to
download or run the executable file (which may
be distributed as email attached or on USB flash
Some antivirus software blocks unknown
malicious websites that attempt to install malware
Users must update their software regularly
to patch security vulnerabilities (holes) and
recognize the latest threats
Antivirus software does not change the
underlying capability of hosts to transmit viruses
German AV-TEST institute published evaluations
of antivirus software for Windows and Android
Exmaine the conent of the computer's
memory (its Random Acess Memory
aka RAM and boot sectors) and the
files stored on fixed or removeable
devices, and comparing those files
against a fatabase of known
Virus signatures are just strings of
code that are used to identify
individual viruses
1st: using list of virus signature definitions
Has ability to detect new viruses for
which antivirus security firms have
yet to define a "signature"
Gives rise to more false positives vs
using signatures
2nd: using heuristic algorithm based on
common virus behaviours
Two common methods:
Antivirus Software
Timely operating system updates
Software updates
Careful internet browsing
Installation of only trusted software
Other preventative Measures:
Virus Removal
Operating System Reinstallation
Recovery Strategies and Methods
Cross-site scripting -exploit websites to send
emails or messages with links to one's contacts to
propagate virus
Viruses and the Internet
Read: Computer Virus (Wikipedia)
Changes in engineering are making traditional safety analysis
techniques increasingly less effective
New, more powerful safety analysis techniques based on
systems theory
Systems theory can provide a powerful foundation for security
and safety
Safety experts -see their role as preventing losses due to
unintentional actions by benevolent actors
Security experts -see their role as preventing losses due
to intentional actions by malevolent actors
Key difference is the intent of the actor that produced
the loss of the event
Safety vs Security
Overall role of the entire socio-technical system as a
whole in achieving security and safety can be
considered, not just low-level hardware or operator
More efficient use of resources and the potential for
resolving conflicts between safetyp and security early in
the development process
By taking a common top-down system engineering approach
to security and safety, several benefits accrue
Goal is to ensure the critical functions and
ultimately the services that the network and the
systems provide are maintained in the face of
Goal of security is not to guard the physical network
and prevent intrusions, which is threat focuses
By changing to a strategic viewpoint, rather than
starting with tactics, security analysts and defenders can
proactively shape the situation by identifying and
controlling system vulnerabilities rather than defending
from a position of disadvantage by being forces to react
to continually changing threats and other environmental
Applying systems theory and systems engineering to security
measures requires intially focusing on high level strategy
Security focuses on how defenders can close holes in
their networks that might otherwise allow adversaries to
gain access and create disruptions
Cybersecurity is typically framed as a battle between
intelligent adaptive adversaries and defenders
Tactics -prudent means to accomplist a specific action
*tactics is focused on physical threats, while strategy is
focused on abstract outcomes
Strategy -art of gaining and maintaining a continuing
Tactic models treat the treat as the cause of the loss
In tactic models, losses are conceptualized as specific events
caused by threats
Can then analyze their systems to determine the most
ikely route attackers may take to achieve their goal
Resourcees can then be allocated to erect a "defense in
depth" to prevent losses
Preventing losses is heavily dependent on the degree to which
security analysts can correctly identify potential attacjers
Result is a small and more manageable set of potential
losses stated at a high level of abstraction
Tactics: wuestion of how to best guard the
network against threats
Begins with questions about what essential services and
functions must be secured against disruptions and what
represents an unacceptable loss
Analysis moves from general to specific, from abstract
to concrete
In contrast to a tactics-based, bottom up approach, a top-
down , strategic approach starts with identifying the system
losses that are unacceptable and against which the system
must be protected
Provides philosophical and intellectual foundation for
systems engineering and for a new, more inclusive
model of accident causality called System-Theoretic
Accident Model and Processes (STAMP)
Initial error = root cause which leads to the failure
of other components until the loss occurs
Effective for systems with limited complexity
Traditional causality models used in safety attribute
accidents to an initial component failure or human error
that cascades through a set of other components
Envisions losses as resulting from interactions
among humans, physical stem components and
the environment that leads to the violation of
safety constraints
Focus shifts from "preventing failures" to
"enforcing safety constraints on system
STAMP --> security and safety
Constraints on system behaviour are enforced by
controls in a hierarchical control structure, where each
level of the structure enforces the required constraints
on the behaviour on the components are the next lower
In systems and control theory, every controller must
contain a model of the process it is controlling
Performing safety (hazard) and security
(vulnerability) analysis allows a broad perspective
on potential causes for a loss
Providing a control action that leads to a
Not providing a control action that is
needed to prevent a hazard
Providing a control action too early or too
late out of sequence
Continuing a control action too long or
stopping it too soon
First step is to identify potentially unsafe control
STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis) is a new
hazard analysis technique based on STAMP
Addition of intentional actions in the generation
of the causal scenarios
STP-Sec is an extension to STPA to include security
Focusing on strategy can be achieved by adopting a new
systems-theoretic causality model recently developed to
provide a more powerful approach to engineering for safety
Key question: how to control vulnerabilities (rather than
avoid threats)
By using a causality model based on systems theory, an
integrated and more powerful approach to safety and security
is possible
Read: Integrated approach to safety and security based on systems
Some target power, utilities and infrastructure
Computer viruses and trojans are designed from stealing data
to watching you through your webcam
30,000 new infected websites every day
>80% are small businesses
~250,000 new pieces of malware every day
Can now test quality of viruses
Technical installation guides
Technical support
Have crime packs with business intelligence dashboards
to manage distribution of their codes (Black hole)
Cybercriminals are professional and organized
USB keys
Will re-direct webpage
Fake antivirus will open -create serious alerts
Provides attackers with access to data
In order to clean up fake viruses, need to register
the product
Comments on webpage
Ways to become infected:
Attacks can occur incredible quickly -virus will writ out
malicious code
Use secure coding practices
Convenience vs. privacy and security
Even when not using wireless connectivity, one can see the
networks one has previously connected to via wireless
Watch: Everyday cybercrime and what you can do about it
Internet has problems with security and privacy
Code says where it is from
Basit and Amjad --> phone number and address in
Brain.A -first virus found on PC computers (1986)
Used to be fairly easy to know when computer was
Viruses are found every day at massive counts
(10,000-100,000s every day)
Viruses have evolved
Keyloggers -record everything you type
Can get access to passwords, financial
information, etc.
Once you infect a computer, someone can buy the
Now have a whole underground market and business
ecosystem built on online crime
'gangs' make viruses
Online crime generates so much money they can invest
in themselves (hire people, watch security)
I.M.U. -cybercrime operation that made millions
Do not have capability to globally track these
One single malware family moves throughout the world: will
shift from one country to another
Encrypting code can cause downloads
Vast majority of online crime cases goes nowhere
A PLC was infected by Stuxnet
We are reliant on these computers working
PLCs -run infrastructure around us (ex. Elevators)
Relying on technology should not mean we can't operate
without it
Need more global, international law enforcement work
More important than running firewalls or antivirus
If we don’t fight online crime, we are running a risk of losing
it all
Watch: Fighting viruses, defending the net
Can download product data from the web, personalize it and
have information sent to a desktop machine that will fabricate
it on the spot
Additive manufacturing = 3D printing
Builds objects layer by layer
Typically have been too inefficient, expensive, and
Will change and disrupt the landscape of manufacturing
3D printers have been around for 30 years but are just starting
to filter into the public arena
Data gets sent to a machine that slices data into 2D
Deposits material layer over layer and fuses them
together through additive mechanisms
Depositing and then melting OR melting and depositing
Typically reads CAD data
Can abolish need for manual labor
Can have incredible resolution
Products are very intricate -more intricate than any other
manufacturing process
Used by product designers, architects (prototypes), engineers
Very little economies of scale
Uses less material waste
Products can become more efficient
Implants can be specific to individuals
Can create implants that are highly porous -less chance of
As detail and quality is improving, these machines are
becoming less expensive and faster
Processes are starting to break down barriers
Technology is going to cause revolution in
Most public does not know how to use data in 3D printers
Google SketchUp -create products from scratch
Machines can fabricate themselves
Variant production existed before but now we can
further manipulate products
--> next generation of customization
Software will keep individual within the bounds of reality
(and safety)
Dental fillers
Implants (MRI --> unique)
Layering cells to create body parts is in working
Can be used for prosthetics that are specific to the individual
Watch: Primer on 3D printing
Frustrated to have a unique password for each system used
Eight characters
Uppercase and lowercase
No more than 3 of any letter
Cannot be in dictionary
New password policy:
Passwords must have a lot of entropy (strength)
Felt more secure with new passwords
80% re-use password -more susceptible to
Most common symbol (~40%) is "!"
Study at university about passwords from 470 students,
faculty, and staff
Collected 5000 passwords with various policies
Only a small number of symbols were still used
Some did have long passwords that
were not very strong -requires
additional requirements
Long passwords are more secure and may
even be stronger than complex passwords
Not a good measure of password strength -
figured out how fast they could crack these
Made people create passwords (amazon mechanical
No actual "good" data on passwords -cannot measure entropy
Guess passwords that are most common (password,
Hackers will run various passwords through a hash function to
see if they match up
Tested different password meters
Password meters do work and are fairly effective
Most effective were ones that made you work harder
before they provided feedback (positive)
Password meters: do they actually work?
Used mechanical turk but made computer pick random
words in passphrase
One condition: random common dictionary words
Another condition: different word types (more
Pronounceable passwords -not real words
Pronounceable passwords were better
People were not better at remembering these
Use passphrases vs. passwords
Computer science students had passwords 1.8x stronger
than business passwords
Analyzed 25,000 real passwords
Monkey -pet named monkey; thye like monkey; monkey as a
Either make passwords easy to type/remember, something
familiar or something that makes us happy
Watch: What is wrong with your pa$$word?
Normally, computing technology is never completely secure
and safety-proof (even in a nuclear plant or bank account)
The race to make a computing system secure and safe is
an on-going concern, and it affects concepts in the
design of security systems
Cybercrime is never too far off when technology interacts
with the Internet
All of them require an entry point into your computer
Some of them can reside in the most critical part of the
system, and others may change their code from one
iteration to another
There are many types of computer viruses
It is top-down, strategic, evaluating between interacting
elements rather than ad hoc
It may also sacrifice lesser important components to
secure the more important ones
The systems approach to designing a secure computing system
has a better bet to secure a computing system
Key Points:
Keep an updated system after update is stabilized
Use an acceptable password (sufficient length, no
common words, not reused across different platforms)
Have some forms of security measure such as firewall
and regular virus scan
What are some ways you can secure your computer system?1.
Threats to manufacturing innovations
Creation of unauthorized objects (like firearms)
What are the security issues with 3D printing?2.
Laws are usually national
Differentiation between fair and unfair use of
intellectual property can be difficult
Difficultly in determining criminal responsibilities
Why is it hard to define and prosecute crime in the internet?3.
Safety & Security
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Describe the historical development of cybercrime due to the
introduction of the Internet.
Identify some of the techniques of viruses, the different types
and their design.
Explain preventive methods of hacking, and the design of a
secure system.
Describe the systems approach to build a security system, and
how it is different from the traditional approach.
Learning Outcomes:
Stuxnet virus that ravaged Iran's Nataz nuclear facility was far
more dangerous then the cyberweapon that is now lodged in
the public's imagination
Stuxnet is known for destroying nuclear centrifuges by
causing them to spin out of control
Designed to secretly draw the equivalent of an electrical
blueprint of the Natanz plant to understand how the
computers control the centrifuges to enrich uranium
The worm (delivered through a worker's thumbdrive)
subtly increased the pressure on spinning centrifuges
while showing the control room that everything
appeared normal by replaying recordings of the plant's
protection system values during the attack
Intended effect was not destroying the centrifuges, but
reducing lifetime of Iran's centrifuges and making the
Iranian's fancy control systems appear beyond their
Previous element changed global military strategy in the 21st
Only after years of undetected infiltration did the US and
Israel unleash the second variation to attack the centrifuges
themselves and self-replicate to all sorts of computers
While the second Stuxnet is considered the first cyber
act of force, the new details reveal that the impact of the
first virus will be much greater
That’s because the initial attack provided a useful
blueprint to future attackers by highlighting the royal
road to infiltration of hard targets
The fist version was only detected with the knowledge of the
Pretty much every single industrial or military facility that
uses industrial control systems at some scale is dependent on
its network of contractors, many of which are very good at
narrowly defined engineering tasks, but lousy at cybersecurity
Most modern plants operate with a standardized
industrial control system, so if one gets control of one
industrial control system, they can infiltrate many more
Civilian critical infrastructure becomes a troubling potential
Read: Business Insider. Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear plant was
'far more dangerous' than previously thought.
When this replication succeeds, the affected areas are
then said to be infected with a computer virus
A computer virus is a type of malicious software program
(malware) that replicates itself when executed by modifying
other computer programs and inserting its own code
The vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows, employing a variety of
mechanisms to infect new hosts, and often using
complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade
antivirus software
Motives: profits, political messages, amusement,
demonstrate vulnerability in software or to explore
cyber security issues/ artificial life/ evolutionary
Virus writers use social engineering deceptions and exploit
detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities to initially
infect systems and spread the virus
In response, fee and open-source antivirus tools have
been developed and an industry of antivirus software
has cropped up
As of 2005, even though no currently existing antivirus
software was able to uncover all computer viruses,
computer security researchers are actively searching for
new ways to enable antivirus solutions to more
effectively detect emerging viruses before they are
widely distributed
Computer viruses cause billions of dollars worth of economic
damage each year due to causing system failure, wasting
computer resources, corrupting data, increasing maintenance
The majority of active malware threats are actually
trojan horse programs or other computer worms, rather
than computer viruses
The term computer virus is a misnomer
Acquisition of hard disk space or central
processing unit (CPU) time
Accessing private information
Corrupting data
Displaying political or humorous messages on the
user's screen
Spamming their email contact
Logging their keystrokes
Rendering the computer useless
Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on
infected host computers, such as:
The defining characteristic of viruses is that they
are self-replicating computer programs which
modify other software without user consent
Not all computer viruses carry a destructive "payload"
and attempt to hide themselves
"Malware" encompasses computer viruses along with many
other forms of malicious software (computer worms,
ransomware, spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers,
rootkits, bootkits, malicious browser helper object aka BHO)
Design for a self-reproducing computer program
is considered the first computer virus
He is considered to be the theoretical "father" of
computer virology
First academic work on the theory of self-replicating
computer programs was done in 1949 by John von
Described a fully functional virus written in
assembler programming language for a SIEMENS
4004/35 computer system
In 1972, Veith Risak built upon this work
In 1980 rgen Kraus postulated that computer
programs can behave in similar ways to biological
Gained access via ARPANET and copied
itself to the remote system where there was
a message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you
can!" displayed
Reaper program was created to deleted
1970s: Creeper virus used ARPANET to infect
DEC PDD-10 computers running the TENEX
operating system
Written by a 9th grader as a practical joke
Virus attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3
operating system and spread via floppy disk
(injected in a game)
On its 5th use, the virus would be activated,
infecting the personal computer and
displaying a short poem beginning with
"Elk Cloner: the program with a
1982: "Elk Cloner" was first personal computer
virus (to appear outside a computer lab)
No algorithm that can perfectly detect all
possible viruses
Theoretical compression virus -example of
a virus which was not malware but well-
intentioned (benevolent)
*1987: Fred Cohen termed the word "virus: with
his paper "Computer Viruses -Theory and
1984: use of virus functions to provide virtual
APL interpreter under user control -J.B. Gunn
Deter unauthorized copying of software
they had written
1986: first IMB PC virus in the "wild" = ©Brain
Relied on DOS interrupts
1992: first virus to target Microsoft Windows,
WinVir was discovered
1996: Boza virus targeted Windows 95
1997: encrypted, memory resident stealth virus
Win32.Canabanas was released -first known
virus to target Windows NT (and 3.0 and 9x
1987: SCA virus targeted home computers
Users would be required to click on a link
to activate the virus, which would then send
an email containing user data to an
anonymous email address
This included IP address, email address,
contacts, website browing history, and
commonly used phrases
2001: Win32.5-0-1 targeted MSN Messenger and
online bulletin boards
2008: larger websites used part of Win32.5-0-1 to
track web users advertising-related interests
First examples:
Historical Development:
Every computer virus must also contain a
routine to copy itself into the program
which the search routine locates
*a viable virus must contain a search routine,
which locates new files or new disks which are
worthwhile targets for infection
Typically has a search routine, which
locates new files or new disks for
Infection mechanism (or vector) -how the
virus spreads or propagates
Such as: particular date/time,
presence of another program, capacity
of the disk exceeding some limit, or a
double-click that opens a particular
Trigger (logic bomb) -the compiled version
that could be activated any time an
executable file with the virus is run that
determines the event or condition for the
malicious "payload" to be activated or
May be noticeable (as most of the
time the payload itself is harmful
activity) or sometimes non-
destructive but distributive, terms the
Virus hoax
Payload -the actual body or data that
perform the actual malicious purpose of the
Main three parts:
Virus program is idle but has managed to
access the target user's computer or
software, but during this stage, the virus
does not take any action
Virus will be activated by the "trigger"
Not all viruses have this stage
Dormant phase
Virus starts proagating (multiplying and
Virus places a copy of itself into other
programs or into certain system areas on the
Viruses often morph or change to
evafe detection
Copy may not be identical to the
propagating version
Each infected program will not contain a
clone of the virus, which will itself enter a
propagation phase
Propagation phase
Dormant virus moves into this phase when
it is activated
Can be caused by a variety of system events
(including a count of the number of times
that is copy of the virus has made copies of
Triggering phase
Actual work of the virus, where the payload
will be released
It can be destructive such as deleting files
on disk, crashing the system, or corrupting
files or relatively harmless such as popping
up humorous or political messages on-
Execution phase
Operations and Functions:
Resident viruses overwrite interrupt
handling code or other functions, and when
the operating system attempts to access the
target file or disk sector, the virus code
intercepts the request and redirects the
control flow to the replication module,
infecting the target
A memory-resident virus installs itself as part of
the operating system when executed, after which
it remains in RAM from the time the computer is
booted up to when it is shut down
A non-memory-resident virus when executed,
scans the disk for targets, infects them and then
Resident vs Non-resident Viruses
Many common applications (Microsoft
Outlook/Word) allow macro programs to be
embedded in documents or emails, so that the
programs may be run automatically when the
document is opened
A macro (document) virus is a virus that is written
in a macro language, and embedded into these
documents so that when users open the file, the
virus code is executed and can infect the user's
Macro Viruses
Specifically target the boot sector and/or the
Master Boot Record (MBR) of the host's hard
drive or removable storage media
Boot Sector Viruses
Intentionally uses the email system to spread
While virus infected files may be accidentally
send as email attachments, email viruses are
aware of email system functions
Generally target a specific type of email system
(Microsoft Outlook is most common), harvest
email addresses from various sources and may
append copies of themselves to all email sent, or
may generate email messages containing copies
of themselves as attachments
Email Virus
Infection Targets and Replication Techniques:
Does not fool antivirus software
Some old viruses (especially on MS-DOS
platform) make sure the "last modified" date of a
host file stays the same when the file is infected
by the virus
= cavity viruses
Overwrite unused areas of executable files
Ex. Chernobyl Virus (CIH) infects portable
executable files
Some viruses can infect files without increasing
their sizes or damaging the files
Some viruses try to avoid detection by killing the
tasks associated with antivirus software before it
can detect them (ex. Conficker)
In order to avoid detection, some viruses employ
different kinds of deception
In Microsoft Windows operating systems,
the NTFS file system is proprietary
Leaves antivirus software little alternative
but to send a "read" request to Windows OS
files that handle such requests
Some viruses trick antivirus software by
intercepting its requests to the Operating
A virus can hide by intercepting the request
to read the infected file, handling the
request itself, and returning an uninfected
version of the file to the antivirus software
Interception can occur by code injection of
the actual operating system files that would
handle the read request
Thus, an antivirus software attempting to
detect the virus will either not be given
permission to read the infected file, or the
"read" request will be served with the
uninfected version of the same file
Once infection occurs, any recourse to "clean"
system is unreliable
Security software can then be used to check
the dormant operating system files
Most security software relies on virus
signatures, or they employ heuristics
Security software may also use a database
of the file "hashes" for Windows OS files,
so the security software can identify altered
files, and request Windows installation
media to replace them with authentic
Therefore, using file hashes to scan
for altered files would not always
guarantee finding an infection
In older versions of Windows, file
cryptographic hash functions of Windows
OS files stored in Windows (to allow file
integrity/authenticity to be checked) could
be overwritten so that the System File
Checker would report that altered system
files are authentic
The only reliable method to avoid stealth viruses
is to "reboot" from a medium that is known to be
Read Request Intercepts:
*most antivirus programs try to find virus-
patterns inside ordinary programs by scaning
them for virus signatures
One method of signature detection evasion
is to use simple encryption to encipher
(encode) in the body of the virus, leaving
only the encryption module and a static
cryptographic key in the cleartext (which
does not change from one infection to the
Virus consists of a small decrypting module
and an encrypted copy of the virus code
Virus scanner can still detect decrypting
module indirectly
Self-modifying code is such a rarity that is
bay be reason for virus scanners to at least
"flag" the file as suspicious
An old but compact way will be the use of
arthimetric operation and the use of logical
= cyptovirology
At these times, the executable will
decrypt the virus and execute its
hidden runtime, infecting the
computer and sometimes diaabling
the antivirus software
Some viruses will employ a means of
encryption inside an executable in which
the virus is encrypted under certain events,
such as the virus scanner being diables for
updates or the computer being rebooted
Encrypted Viruses
First technique that posed serious threat to
virus scanners
Infects files with an encrypted copy of
itself, which is decoded by a decryption
module, which itself is modified on each
Therefore, a polymorphic virus can no parts
which reamin identical between infections
Antivirus software can detect it by
decrypting the viruses using an emulator, or
by statistical pattern analysis of the
encrypted virus body
To enable polymorphic code, the virus has
to have a polymorphic engine somewhere in
its encrypted body
Makes it more difficult for antivirus
professionals and investigators to
obtain representative sample of the
Can employ polymorphic codes that
constrains the mutation rate
Polymorphic Code
Some viruses rewrite themselves
completely each time they are to infect new
Viruses that utilize this technique are said to
be in metamorphic code (with a
metamorphic engine)
A metamorphic virus is usually large and
complex (ex. W32/Simile)
Metamorphic Code
Stealth Techniques:
Software is designed with security features to
prevent unauthorized use of system resources,
many viruses must exploit and manipulate
security bugs, which are security defects in a
system or application software, to spread
themselves and infect other computers
Software development strategies that produce
large number of "bugs" will generally also
produce potential exploitable "holes" or
"entrances" for the virus
Software Bugs
In order to replicate itself, a virus must be
permitted to execute code and writ to memory
For this reason, many viruses attach themselves to
executable files that may be part of legitimate
If a user attempts to launch an infected program,
the virus' code may be executed simultaneously
Social Engineering and Poor Security Practices
Due to Microsoft's large market share of
desktop computer users
Vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows
Diversity of software systems on a network limits
the destructive potential of viruses and malware
Many windows users are running the same
set of applications, enabling viruses to
rapidly spread among Microsoft Windows
systems by targeting the same exploits on a
large number of hosts
Open-source operating systems such as Linux
allow users to choose from a variety of desktop
environments, which means that malicious code
targeted any of these systems will only affect a
small subset of users
Window users are generally not prevented from
making changes to operating systems
Vulnerability of Different Operating Systems
Vulnerabilities and Infection Vectors:
Antivirus software can detect and eliminate
known viruses when the computer attempts to
download or run the executable file (which may
be distributed as email attached or on USB flash
Some antivirus software blocks unknown
malicious websites that attempt to install malware
Users must update their software regularly
to patch security vulnerabilities (holes) and
recognize the latest threats
Antivirus software does not change the
underlying capability of hosts to transmit viruses
German AV-TEST institute published evaluations
of antivirus software for Windows and Android
Exmaine the conent of the computer's
memory (its Random Acess Memory
aka RAM and boot sectors) and the
files stored on fixed or removeable
devices, and comparing those files
against a fatabase of known
Virus signatures are just strings of
code that are used to identify
individual viruses
1st: using list of virus signature definitions
Has ability to detect new viruses for
which antivirus security firms have
yet to define a "signature"
Gives rise to more false positives vs
using signatures
2nd: using heuristic algorithm based on
common virus behaviours
Two common methods:
Antivirus Software
Timely operating system updates
Software updates
Careful internet browsing
Installation of only trusted software
Other preventative Measures:
Virus Removal
Operating System Reinstallation
Recovery Strategies and Methods
Cross-site scripting -exploit websites to send
emails or messages with links to one's contacts to
propagate virus
Viruses and the Internet
Read: Computer Virus (Wikipedia)
Changes in engineering are making traditional safety analysis
techniques increasingly less effective
New, more powerful safety analysis techniques based on
systems theory
Systems theory can provide a powerful foundation for security
and safety
Safety experts -see their role as preventing losses due to
unintentional actions by benevolent actors
Security experts -see their role as preventing losses due
to intentional actions by malevolent actors
Key difference is the intent of the actor that produced
the loss of the event
Safety vs Security
Overall role of the entire socio-technical system as a
whole in achieving security and safety can be
considered, not just low-level hardware or operator
More efficient use of resources and the potential for
resolving conflicts between safetyp and security early in
the development process
By taking a common top-down system engineering approach
to security and safety, several benefits accrue
Goal is to ensure the critical functions and
ultimately the services that the network and the
systems provide are maintained in the face of
Goal of security is not to guard the physical network
and prevent intrusions, which is threat focuses
By changing to a strategic viewpoint, rather than
starting with tactics, security analysts and defenders can
proactively shape the situation by identifying and
controlling system vulnerabilities rather than defending
from a position of disadvantage by being forces to react
to continually changing threats and other environmental
Applying systems theory and systems engineering to security
measures requires intially focusing on high level strategy
Security focuses on how defenders can close holes in
their networks that might otherwise allow adversaries to
gain access and create disruptions
Cybersecurity is typically framed as a battle between
intelligent adaptive adversaries and defenders
Tactics -prudent means to accomplist a specific action
*tactics is focused on physical threats, while strategy is
focused on abstract outcomes
Strategy -art of gaining and maintaining a continuing
Tactic models treat the treat as the cause of the loss
In tactic models, losses are conceptualized as specific events
caused by threats
Can then analyze their systems to determine the most
ikely route attackers may take to achieve their goal
Resourcees can then be allocated to erect a "defense in
depth" to prevent losses
Preventing losses is heavily dependent on the degree to which
security analysts can correctly identify potential attacjers
Result is a small and more manageable set of potential
losses stated at a high level of abstraction
Tactics: wuestion of how to best guard the
network against threats
Begins with questions about what essential services and
functions must be secured against disruptions and what
represents an unacceptable loss
Analysis moves from general to specific, from abstract
to concrete
In contrast to a tactics-based, bottom up approach, a top-
down , strategic approach starts with identifying the system
losses that are unacceptable and against which the system
must be protected
Provides philosophical and intellectual foundation for
systems engineering and for a new, more inclusive
model of accident causality called System-Theoretic
Accident Model and Processes (STAMP)
Initial error = root cause which leads to the failure
of other components until the loss occurs
Effective for systems with limited complexity
Traditional causality models used in safety attribute
accidents to an initial component failure or human error
that cascades through a set of other components
Envisions losses as resulting from interactions
among humans, physical stem components and
the environment that leads to the violation of
safety constraints
Focus shifts from "preventing failures" to
"enforcing safety constraints on system
STAMP --> security and safety
Constraints on system behaviour are enforced by
controls in a hierarchical control structure, where each
level of the structure enforces the required constraints
on the behaviour on the components are the next lower
In systems and control theory, every controller must
contain a model of the process it is controlling
Performing safety (hazard) and security
(vulnerability) analysis allows a broad perspective
on potential causes for a loss
Providing a control action that leads to a
Not providing a control action that is
needed to prevent a hazard
Providing a control action too early or too
late out of sequence
Continuing a control action too long or
stopping it too soon
First step is to identify potentially unsafe control
STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis) is a new
hazard analysis technique based on STAMP
Addition of intentional actions in the generation
of the causal scenarios
STP-Sec is an extension to STPA to include security
Focusing on strategy can be achieved by adopting a new
systems-theoretic causality model recently developed to
provide a more powerful approach to engineering for safety
Key question: how to control vulnerabilities (rather than
avoid threats)
By using a causality model based on systems theory, an
integrated and more powerful approach to safety and security
is possible
Read: Integrated approach to safety and security based on systems
Some target power, utilities and infrastructure
Computer viruses and trojans are designed from stealing data
to watching you through your webcam
30,000 new infected websites every day
>80% are small businesses
~250,000 new pieces of malware every day
Can now test quality of viruses
Technical installation guides
Technical support
Have crime packs with business intelligence dashboards
to manage distribution of their codes (Black hole)
Cybercriminals are professional and organized
USB keys
Will re-direct webpage
Fake antivirus will open -create serious alerts
Provides attackers with access to data
In order to clean up fake viruses, need to register
the product
Comments on webpage
Ways to become infected:
Attacks can occur incredible quickly -virus will writ out
malicious code
Use secure coding practices
Convenience vs. privacy and security
Even when not using wireless connectivity, one can see the
networks one has previously connected to via wireless
Watch: Everyday cybercrime and what you can do about it
Internet has problems with security and privacy
Code says where it is from
Basit and Amjad --> phone number and address in
Brain.A -first virus found on PC computers (1986)
Used to be fairly easy to know when computer was
Viruses are found every day at massive counts
(10,000-100,000s every day)
Viruses have evolved
Keyloggers -record everything you type
Can get access to passwords, financial
information, etc.
Once you infect a computer, someone can buy the
Now have a whole underground market and business
ecosystem built on online crime
'gangs' make viruses
Online crime generates so much money they can invest
in themselves (hire people, watch security)
I.M.U. -cybercrime operation that made millions
Do not have capability to globally track these
One single malware family moves throughout the world: will
shift from one country to another
Encrypting code can cause downloads
Vast majority of online crime cases goes nowhere
A PLC was infected by Stuxnet
We are reliant on these computers working
PLCs -run infrastructure around us (ex. Elevators)
Relying on technology should not mean we can't operate
without it
Need more global, international law enforcement work
More important than running firewalls or antivirus
If we don’t fight online crime, we are running a risk of losing
it all
Watch: Fighting viruses, defending the net
Can download product data from the web, personalize it and
have information sent to a desktop machine that will fabricate
it on the spot
Additive manufacturing = 3D printing
Builds objects layer by layer
Typically have been too inefficient, expensive, and
Will change and disrupt the landscape of manufacturing
3D printers have been around for 30 years but are just starting
to filter into the public arena
Data gets sent to a machine that slices data into 2D
Deposits material layer over layer and fuses them
together through additive mechanisms
Depositing and then melting OR melting and depositing
Typically reads CAD data
Can abolish need for manual labor
Can have incredible resolution
Products are very intricate -more intricate than any other
manufacturing process
Used by product designers, architects (prototypes), engineers
Very little economies of scale
Uses less material waste
Products can become more efficient
Implants can be specific to individuals
Can create implants that are highly porous -less chance of
As detail and quality is improving, these machines are
becoming less expensive and faster
Processes are starting to break down barriers
Technology is going to cause revolution in
Most public does not know how to use data in 3D printers
Google SketchUp -create products from scratch
Machines can fabricate themselves
Variant production existed before but now we can
further manipulate products
--> next generation of customization
Software will keep individual within the bounds of reality
(and safety)
Dental fillers
Implants (MRI --> unique)
Layering cells to create body parts is in working
Can be used for prosthetics that are specific to the individual
Watch: Primer on 3D printing
Frustrated to have a unique password for each system used
Eight characters
Uppercase and lowercase
No more than 3 of any letter
Cannot be in dictionary
New password policy:
Passwords must have a lot of entropy (strength)
Felt more secure with new passwords
80% re-use password -more susceptible to
Most common symbol (~40%) is "!"
Study at university about passwords from 470 students,
faculty, and staff
Collected 5000 passwords with various policies
Only a small number of symbols were still used
Some did have long passwords that
were not very strong -requires
additional requirements
Long passwords are more secure and may
even be stronger than complex passwords
Not a good measure of password strength -
figured out how fast they could crack these
Made people create passwords (amazon mechanical
No actual "good" data on passwords -cannot measure entropy
Guess passwords that are most common (password,
Hackers will run various passwords through a hash function to
see if they match up
Tested different password meters
Password meters do work and are fairly effective
Most effective were ones that made you work harder
before they provided feedback (positive)
Password meters: do they actually work?
Used mechanical turk but made computer pick random
words in passphrase
One condition: random common dictionary words
Another condition: different word types (more
Pronounceable passwords -not real words
Pronounceable passwords were better
People were not better at remembering these
Use passphrases vs. passwords
Computer science students had passwords 1.8x stronger
than business passwords
Analyzed 25,000 real passwords
Monkey -pet named monkey; thye like monkey; monkey as a
Either make passwords easy to type/remember, something
familiar or something that makes us happy
Watch: What is wrong with your pa$$word?
Normally, computing technology is never completely secure
and safety-proof (even in a nuclear plant or bank account)
The race to make a computing system secure and safe is
an on-going concern, and it affects concepts in the
design of security systems
Cybercrime is never too far off when technology interacts
with the Internet
All of them require an entry point into your computer
Some of them can reside in the most critical part of the
system, and others may change their code from one
iteration to another
There are many types of computer viruses
It is top-down, strategic, evaluating between interacting
elements rather than ad hoc
It may also sacrifice lesser important components to
secure the more important ones
The systems approach to designing a secure computing system
has a better bet to secure a computing system
Key Points:
Keep an updated system after update is stabilized
Use an acceptable password (sufficient length, no
common words, not reused across different platforms)
Have some forms of security measure such as firewall
and regular virus scan
What are some ways you can secure your computer system?1.
Threats to manufacturing innovations
Creation of unauthorized objects (like firearms)
What are the security issues with 3D printing?2.
Laws are usually national
Differentiation between fair and unfair use of
intellectual property can be difficult
Difficultly in determining criminal responsibilities
Why is it hard to define and prosecute crime in the internet?3.
Safety & Security
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Describe the historical development of cybercrime due to the
introduction of the Internet.
Identify some of the techniques of viruses, the different types
and their design.
Explain preventive methods of hacking, and the design of a
secure system.
Describe the systems approach to build a security system, and
how it is different from the traditional approach.
Learning Outcomes:
Stuxnet virus that ravaged Iran's Nataz nuclear facility was far
more dangerous then the cyberweapon that is now lodged in
the public's imagination
Stuxnet is known for destroying nuclear centrifuges by
causing them to spin out of control
Designed to secretly draw the equivalent of an electrical
blueprint of the Natanz plant to understand how the
computers control the centrifuges to enrich uranium
The worm (delivered through a worker's thumbdrive)
subtly increased the pressure on spinning centrifuges
while showing the control room that everything
appeared normal by replaying recordings of the plant's
protection system values during the attack
Intended effect was not destroying the centrifuges, but
reducing lifetime of Iran's centrifuges and making the
Iranian's fancy control systems appear beyond their
Previous element changed global military strategy in the 21st
Only after years of undetected infiltration did the US and
Israel unleash the second variation to attack the centrifuges
themselves and self-replicate to all sorts of computers
While the second Stuxnet is considered the first cyber
act of force, the new details reveal that the impact of the
first virus will be much greater
That’s because the initial attack provided a useful
blueprint to future attackers by highlighting the royal
road to infiltration of hard targets
The fist version was only detected with the knowledge of the
Pretty much every single industrial or military facility that
uses industrial control systems at some scale is dependent on
its network of contractors, many of which are very good at
narrowly defined engineering tasks, but lousy at cybersecurity
Most modern plants operate with a standardized
industrial control system, so if one gets control of one
industrial control system, they can infiltrate many more
Civilian critical infrastructure becomes a troubling potential
Read: Business Insider. Stuxnet attack on Iran's nuclear plant was
'far more dangerous' than previously thought.
When this replication succeeds, the affected areas are
then said to be infected with a computer virus
A computer virus is a type of malicious software program
(malware) that replicates itself when executed by modifying
other computer programs and inserting its own code
The vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows, employing a variety of
mechanisms to infect new hosts, and often using
complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade
antivirus software
Motives: profits, political messages, amusement,
demonstrate vulnerability in software or to explore
cyber security issues/ artificial life/ evolutionary
Virus writers use social engineering deceptions and exploit
detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities to initially
infect systems and spread the virus
In response, fee and open-source antivirus tools have
been developed and an industry of antivirus software
has cropped up
As of 2005, even though no currently existing antivirus
software was able to uncover all computer viruses,
computer security researchers are actively searching for
new ways to enable antivirus solutions to more
effectively detect emerging viruses before they are
widely distributed
Computer viruses cause billions of dollars worth of economic
damage each year due to causing system failure, wasting
computer resources, corrupting data, increasing maintenance
The majority of active malware threats are actually
trojan horse programs or other computer worms, rather
than computer viruses
The term computer virus is a misnomer
Acquisition of hard disk space or central
processing unit (CPU) time
Accessing private information
Corrupting data
Displaying political or humorous messages on the
user's screen
Spamming their email contact
Logging their keystrokes
Rendering the computer useless
Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on
infected host computers, such as:
The defining characteristic of viruses is that they
are self-replicating computer programs which
modify other software without user consent
Not all computer viruses carry a destructive "payload"
and attempt to hide themselves
"Malware" encompasses computer viruses along with many
other forms of malicious software (computer worms,
ransomware, spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers,
rootkits, bootkits, malicious browser helper object aka BHO)
Design for a self-reproducing computer program
is considered the first computer virus
He is considered to be the theoretical "father" of
computer virology
First academic work on the theory of self-replicating
computer programs was done in 1949 by John von
Described a fully functional virus written in
assembler programming language for a SIEMENS
4004/35 computer system
In 1972, Veith Risak built upon this work
In 1980 rgen Kraus postulated that computer
programs can behave in similar ways to biological
Gained access via ARPANET and copied
itself to the remote system where there was
a message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you
can!" displayed
Reaper program was created to deleted
1970s: Creeper virus used ARPANET to infect
DEC PDD-10 computers running the TENEX
operating system
Written by a 9th grader as a practical joke
Virus attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3
operating system and spread via floppy disk
(injected in a game)
On its 5th use, the virus would be activated,
infecting the personal computer and
displaying a short poem beginning with
"Elk Cloner: the program with a
1982: "Elk Cloner" was first personal computer
virus (to appear outside a computer lab)
No algorithm that can perfectly detect all
possible viruses
Theoretical compression virus -example of
a virus which was not malware but well-
intentioned (benevolent)
*1987: Fred Cohen termed the word "virus: with
his paper "Computer Viruses -Theory and
1984: use of virus functions to provide virtual
APL interpreter under user control -J.B. Gunn
Deter unauthorized copying of software
they had written
1986: first IMB PC virus in the "wild" = ©Brain
Relied on DOS interrupts
1992: first virus to target Microsoft Windows,
WinVir was discovered
1996: Boza virus targeted Windows 95
1997: encrypted, memory resident stealth virus
Win32.Canabanas was released -first known
virus to target Windows NT (and 3.0 and 9x
1987: SCA virus targeted home computers
Users would be required to click on a link
to activate the virus, which would then send
an email containing user data to an
anonymous email address
This included IP address, email address,
contacts, website browing history, and
commonly used phrases
2001: Win32.5-0-1 targeted MSN Messenger and
online bulletin boards
2008: larger websites used part of Win32.5-0-1 to
track web users advertising-related interests
First examples:
Historical Development:
Every computer virus must also contain a
routine to copy itself into the program
which the search routine locates
*a viable virus must contain a search routine,
which locates new files or new disks which are
worthwhile targets for infection
Typically has a search routine, which
locates new files or new disks for
Infection mechanism (or vector) -how the
virus spreads or propagates
Such as: particular date/time,
presence of another program, capacity
of the disk exceeding some limit, or a
double-click that opens a particular
Trigger (logic bomb) -the compiled version
that could be activated any time an
executable file with the virus is run that
determines the event or condition for the
malicious "payload" to be activated or
May be noticeable (as most of the
time the payload itself is harmful
activity) or sometimes non-
destructive but distributive, terms the
Virus hoax
Payload -the actual body or data that
perform the actual malicious purpose of the
Main three parts:
Virus program is idle but has managed to
access the target user's computer or
software, but during this stage, the virus
does not take any action
Virus will be activated by the "trigger"
Not all viruses have this stage
Dormant phase
Virus starts proagating (multiplying and
Virus places a copy of itself into other
programs or into certain system areas on the
Viruses often morph or change to
evafe detection
Copy may not be identical to the
propagating version
Each infected program will not contain a
clone of the virus, which will itself enter a
propagation phase
Propagation phase
Dormant virus moves into this phase when
it is activated
Can be caused by a variety of system events
(including a count of the number of times
that is copy of the virus has made copies of
Triggering phase
Actual work of the virus, where the payload
will be released
It can be destructive such as deleting files
on disk, crashing the system, or corrupting
files or relatively harmless such as popping
up humorous or political messages on-
Execution phase
Operations and Functions:
Resident viruses overwrite interrupt
handling code or other functions, and when
the operating system attempts to access the
target file or disk sector, the virus code
intercepts the request and redirects the
control flow to the replication module,
infecting the target
A memory-resident virus installs itself as part of
the operating system when executed, after which
it remains in RAM from the time the computer is
booted up to when it is shut down
A non-memory-resident virus when executed,
scans the disk for targets, infects them and then
Resident vs Non-resident Viruses
Many common applications (Microsoft
Outlook/Word) allow macro programs to be
embedded in documents or emails, so that the
programs may be run automatically when the
document is opened
A macro (document) virus is a virus that is written
in a macro language, and embedded into these
documents so that when users open the file, the
virus code is executed and can infect the user's
Macro Viruses
Specifically target the boot sector and/or the
Master Boot Record (MBR) of the host's hard
drive or removable storage media
Boot Sector Viruses
Intentionally uses the email system to spread
While virus infected files may be accidentally
send as email attachments, email viruses are
aware of email system functions
Generally target a specific type of email system
(Microsoft Outlook is most common), harvest
email addresses from various sources and may
append copies of themselves to all email sent, or
may generate email messages containing copies
of themselves as attachments
Email Virus
Infection Targets and Replication Techniques:
Does not fool antivirus software
Some old viruses (especially on MS-DOS
platform) make sure the "last modified" date of a
host file stays the same when the file is infected
by the virus
= cavity viruses
Overwrite unused areas of executable files
Ex. Chernobyl Virus (CIH) infects portable
executable files
Some viruses can infect files without increasing
their sizes or damaging the files
Some viruses try to avoid detection by killing the
tasks associated with antivirus software before it
can detect them (ex. Conficker)
In order to avoid detection, some viruses employ
different kinds of deception
In Microsoft Windows operating systems,
the NTFS file system is proprietary
Leaves antivirus software little alternative
but to send a "read" request to Windows OS
files that handle such requests
Some viruses trick antivirus software by
intercepting its requests to the Operating
A virus can hide by intercepting the request
to read the infected file, handling the
request itself, and returning an uninfected
version of the file to the antivirus software
Interception can occur by code injection of
the actual operating system files that would
handle the read request
Thus, an antivirus software attempting to
detect the virus will either not be given
permission to read the infected file, or the
"read" request will be served with the
uninfected version of the same file
Once infection occurs, any recourse to "clean"
system is unreliable
Security software can then be used to check
the dormant operating system files
Most security software relies on virus
signatures, or they employ heuristics
Security software may also use a database
of the file "hashes" for Windows OS files,
so the security software can identify altered
files, and request Windows installation
media to replace them with authentic
Therefore, using file hashes to scan
for altered files would not always
guarantee finding an infection
In older versions of Windows, file
cryptographic hash functions of Windows
OS files stored in Windows (to allow file
integrity/authenticity to be checked) could
be overwritten so that the System File
Checker would report that altered system
files are authentic
The only reliable method to avoid stealth viruses
is to "reboot" from a medium that is known to be
Read Request Intercepts:
*most antivirus programs try to find virus-
patterns inside ordinary programs by scaning
them for virus signatures
One method of signature detection evasion
is to use simple encryption to encipher
(encode) in the body of the virus, leaving
only the encryption module and a static
cryptographic key in the cleartext (which
does not change from one infection to the
Virus consists of a small decrypting module
and an encrypted copy of the virus code
Virus scanner can still detect decrypting
module indirectly
Self-modifying code is such a rarity that is
bay be reason for virus scanners to at least
"flag" the file as suspicious
An old but compact way will be the use of
arthimetric operation and the use of logical
= cyptovirology
At these times, the executable will
decrypt the virus and execute its
hidden runtime, infecting the
computer and sometimes diaabling
the antivirus software
Some viruses will employ a means of
encryption inside an executable in which
the virus is encrypted under certain events,
such as the virus scanner being diables for
updates or the computer being rebooted
Encrypted Viruses
First technique that posed serious threat to
virus scanners
Infects files with an encrypted copy of
itself, which is decoded by a decryption
module, which itself is modified on each
Therefore, a polymorphic virus can no parts
which reamin identical between infections
Antivirus software can detect it by
decrypting the viruses using an emulator, or
by statistical pattern analysis of the
encrypted virus body
To enable polymorphic code, the virus has
to have a polymorphic engine somewhere in
its encrypted body
Makes it more difficult for antivirus
professionals and investigators to
obtain representative sample of the
Can employ polymorphic codes that
constrains the mutation rate
Polymorphic Code
Some viruses rewrite themselves
completely each time they are to infect new
Viruses that utilize this technique are said to
be in metamorphic code (with a
metamorphic engine)
A metamorphic virus is usually large and
complex (ex. W32/Simile)
Metamorphic Code
Stealth Techniques:
Software is designed with security features to
prevent unauthorized use of system resources,
many viruses must exploit and manipulate
security bugs, which are security defects in a
system or application software, to spread
themselves and infect other computers
Software development strategies that produce
large number of "bugs" will generally also
produce potential exploitable "holes" or
"entrances" for the virus
Software Bugs
In order to replicate itself, a virus must be
permitted to execute code and writ to memory
For this reason, many viruses attach themselves to
executable files that may be part of legitimate
If a user attempts to launch an infected program,
the virus' code may be executed simultaneously
Social Engineering and Poor Security Practices
Due to Microsoft's large market share of
desktop computer users
Vast majority of viruses target systems running
Microsoft Windows
Diversity of software systems on a network limits
the destructive potential of viruses and malware
Many windows users are running the same
set of applications, enabling viruses to
rapidly spread among Microsoft Windows
systems by targeting the same exploits on a
large number of hosts
Open-source operating systems such as Linux
allow users to choose from a variety of desktop
environments, which means that malicious code
targeted any of these systems will only affect a
small subset of users
Window users are generally not prevented from
making changes to operating systems
Vulnerability of Different Operating Systems
Vulnerabilities and Infection Vectors:
Antivirus software can detect and eliminate
known viruses when the computer attempts to
download or run the executable file (which may
be distributed as email attached or on USB flash
Some antivirus software blocks unknown
malicious websites that attempt to install malware
Users must update their software regularly
to patch security vulnerabilities (holes) and
recognize the latest threats
Antivirus software does not change the
underlying capability of hosts to transmit viruses
German AV-TEST institute published evaluations
of antivirus software for Windows and Android
Exmaine the conent of the computer's
memory (its Random Acess Memory
aka RAM and boot sectors) and the
files stored on fixed or removeable
devices, and comparing those files
against a fatabase of known
Virus signatures are just strings of
code that are used to identify
individual viruses
1st: using list of virus signature definitions
Has ability to detect new viruses for
which antivirus security firms have
yet to define a "signature"
Gives rise to more false positives vs
using signatures
2nd: using heuristic algorithm based on
common virus behaviours
Two common methods:
Antivirus Software
Timely operating system updates
Software updates
Careful internet browsing
Installation of only trusted software
Other preventative Measures:
Virus Removal
Operating System Reinstallation
Recovery Strategies and Methods
Cross-site scripting -exploit websites to send
emails or messages with links to one's contacts to
propagate virus
Viruses and the Internet
Read: Computer Virus (Wikipedia)
Changes in engineering are making traditional safety analysis
techniques increasingly less effective
New, more powerful safety analysis techniques based on
systems theory
Systems theory can provide a powerful foundation for security
and safety
Safety experts -see their role as preventing losses due to
unintentional actions by benevolent actors
Security experts -see their role as preventing losses due
to intentional actions by malevolent actors
Key difference is the intent of the actor that produced
the loss of the event
Safety vs Security
Overall role of the entire socio-technical system as a
whole in achieving security and safety can be
considered, not just low-level hardware or operator
More efficient use of resources and the potential for
resolving conflicts between safetyp and security early in
the development process
By taking a common top-down system engineering approach
to security and safety, several benefits accrue
Goal is to ensure the critical functions and
ultimately the services that the network and the
systems provide are maintained in the face of
Goal of security is not to guard the physical network
and prevent intrusions, which is threat focuses
By changing to a strategic viewpoint, rather than
starting with tactics, security analysts and defenders can
proactively shape the situation by identifying and
controlling system vulnerabilities rather than defending
from a position of disadvantage by being forces to react
to continually changing threats and other environmental
Applying systems theory and systems engineering to security
measures requires intially focusing on high level strategy
Security focuses on how defenders can close holes in
their networks that might otherwise allow adversaries to
gain access and create disruptions
Cybersecurity is typically framed as a battle between
intelligent adaptive adversaries and defenders
Tactics -prudent means to accomplist a specific action
*tactics is focused on physical threats, while strategy is
focused on abstract outcomes
Strategy -art of gaining and maintaining a continuing
Tactic models treat the treat as the cause of the loss
In tactic models, losses are conceptualized as specific events
caused by threats
Can then analyze their systems to determine the most
ikely route attackers may take to achieve their goal
Resourcees can then be allocated to erect a "defense in
depth" to prevent losses
Preventing losses is heavily dependent on the degree to which
security analysts can correctly identify potential attacjers
Result is a small and more manageable set of potential
losses stated at a high level of abstraction
Tactics: wuestion of how to best guard the
network against threats
Begins with questions about what essential services and
functions must be secured against disruptions and what
represents an unacceptable loss
Analysis moves from general to specific, from abstract
to concrete
In contrast to a tactics-based, bottom up approach, a top-
down , strategic approach starts with identifying the system
losses that are unacceptable and against which the system
must be protected
Provides philosophical and intellectual foundation for
systems engineering and for a new, more inclusive
model of accident causality called System-Theoretic
Accident Model and Processes (STAMP)
Initial error = root cause which leads to the failure
of other components until the loss occurs
Effective for systems with limited complexity
Traditional causality models used in safety attribute
accidents to an initial component failure or human error
that cascades through a set of other components
Envisions losses as resulting from interactions
among humans, physical stem components and
the environment that leads to the violation of
safety constraints
Focus shifts from "preventing failures" to
"enforcing safety constraints on system
STAMP --> security and safety
Constraints on system behaviour are enforced by
controls in a hierarchical control structure, where each
level of the structure enforces the required constraints
on the behaviour on the components are the next lower
In systems and control theory, every controller must
contain a model of the process it is controlling
Performing safety (hazard) and security
(vulnerability) analysis allows a broad perspective
on potential causes for a loss
Providing a control action that leads to a
Not providing a control action that is
needed to prevent a hazard
Providing a control action too early or too
late out of sequence
Continuing a control action too long or
stopping it too soon
First step is to identify potentially unsafe control
STPA (System-Theoretic Process Analysis) is a new
hazard analysis technique based on STAMP
Addition of intentional actions in the generation
of the causal scenarios
STP-Sec is an extension to STPA to include security
Focusing on strategy can be achieved by adopting a new
systems-theoretic causality model recently developed to
provide a more powerful approach to engineering for safety
Key question: how to control vulnerabilities (rather than
avoid threats)
By using a causality model based on systems theory, an
integrated and more powerful approach to safety and security
is possible
Read: Integrated approach to safety and security based on systems
Some target power, utilities and infrastructure
Computer viruses and trojans are designed from stealing data
to watching you through your webcam
30,000 new infected websites every day
>80% are small businesses
~250,000 new pieces of malware every day
Can now test quality of viruses
Technical installation guides
Technical support
Have crime packs with business intelligence dashboards
to manage distribution of their codes (Black hole)
Cybercriminals are professional and organized
USB keys
Will re-direct webpage
Fake antivirus will open -create serious alerts
Provides attackers with access to data
In order to clean up fake viruses, need to register
the product
Comments on webpage
Ways to become infected:
Attacks can occur incredible quickly -virus will writ out
malicious code
Use secure coding practices
Convenience vs. privacy and security
Even when not using wireless connectivity, one can see the
networks one has previously connected to via wireless
Watch: Everyday cybercrime and what you can do about it
Internet has problems with security and privacy
Code says where it is from
Basit and Amjad --> phone number and address in
Brain.A -first virus found on PC computers (1986)
Used to be fairly easy to know when computer was
Viruses are found every day at massive counts
(10,000-100,000s every day)
Viruses have evolved
Keyloggers -record everything you type
Can get access to passwords, financial
information, etc.
Once you infect a computer, someone can buy the
Now have a whole underground market and business
ecosystem built on online crime
'gangs' make viruses
Online crime generates so much money they can invest
in themselves (hire people, watch security)
I.M.U. -cybercrime operation that made millions
Do not have capability to globally track these
One single malware family moves throughout the world: will
shift from one country to another
Encrypting code can cause downloads
Vast majority of online crime cases goes nowhere
A PLC was infected by Stuxnet
We are reliant on these computers working
PLCs -run infrastructure around us (ex. Elevators)
Relying on technology should not mean we can't operate
without it
Need more global, international law enforcement work
More important than running firewalls or antivirus
If we don’t fight online crime, we are running a risk of losing
it all
Watch: Fighting viruses, defending the net
Can download product data from the web, personalize it and
have information sent to a desktop machine that will fabricate
it on the spot
Additive manufacturing = 3D printing
Builds objects layer by layer
Typically have been too inefficient, expensive, and
Will change and disrupt the landscape of manufacturing
3D printers have been around for 30 years but are just starting
to filter into the public arena
Data gets sent to a machine that slices data into 2D
Deposits material layer over layer and fuses them
together through additive mechanisms
Depositing and then melting OR melting and depositing
Typically reads CAD data
Can abolish need for manual labor
Can have incredible resolution
Products are very intricate -more intricate than any other
manufacturing process
Used by product designers, architects (prototypes), engineers
Very little economies of scale
Uses less material waste
Products can become more efficient
Implants can be specific to individuals
Can create implants that are highly porous -less chance of
As detail and quality is improving, these machines are
becoming less expensive and faster
Processes are starting to break down barriers
Technology is going to cause revolution in
Most public does not know how to use data in 3D printers
Google SketchUp -create products from scratch
Machines can fabricate themselves
Variant production existed before but now we can
further manipulate products
--> next generation of customization
Software will keep individual within the bounds of reality
(and safety)
Dental fillers
Implants (MRI --> unique)
Layering cells to create body parts is in working
Can be used for prosthetics that are specific to the individual
Watch: Primer on 3D printing
Frustrated to have a unique password for each system used
Eight characters
Uppercase and lowercase
No more than 3 of any letter
Cannot be in dictionary
New password policy:
Passwords must have a lot of entropy (strength)
Felt more secure with new passwords
80% re-use password -more susceptible to
Most common symbol (~40%) is "!"
Study at university about passwords from 470 students,
faculty, and staff
Collected 5000 passwords with various policies
Only a small number of symbols were still used
Some did have long passwords that
were not very strong -requires
additional requirements
Long passwords are more secure and may
even be stronger than complex passwords
Not a good measure of password strength -
figured out how fast they could crack these
Made people create passwords (amazon mechanical
No actual "good" data on passwords -cannot measure entropy
Guess passwords that are most common (password,
Hackers will run various passwords through a hash function to
see if they match up
Tested different password meters
Password meters do work and are fairly effective
Most effective were ones that made you work harder
before they provided feedback (positive)
Password meters: do they actually work?
Used mechanical turk but made computer pick random
words in passphrase
One condition: random common dictionary words
Another condition: different word types (more
Pronounceable passwords -not real words
Pronounceable passwords were better
People were not better at remembering these
Use passphrases vs. passwords
Computer science students had passwords 1.8x stronger
than business passwords
Analyzed 25,000 real passwords
Monkey -pet named monkey; thye like monkey; monkey as a
Either make passwords easy to type/remember, something
familiar or something that makes us happy
Watch: What is wrong with your pa$$word?
Normally, computing technology is never completely secure
and safety-proof (even in a nuclear plant or bank account)
The race to make a computing system secure and safe is
an on-going concern, and it affects concepts in the
design of security systems
Cybercrime is never too far off when technology interacts
with the Internet
All of them require an entry point into your computer
Some of them can reside in the most critical part of the
system, and others may change their code from one
iteration to another
There are many types of computer viruses
It is top-down, strategic, evaluating between interacting
elements rather than ad hoc
It may also sacrifice lesser important components to
secure the more important ones
The systems approach to designing a secure computing system
has a better bet to secure a computing system
Key Points:
Keep an updated system after update is stabilized
Use an acceptable password (sufficient length, no
common words, not reused across different platforms)
Have some forms of security measure such as firewall
and regular virus scan
What are some ways you can secure your computer system?1.
Threats to manufacturing innovations
Creation of unauthorized objects (like firearms)
What are the security issues with 3D printing?2.
Laws are usually national
Differentiation between fair and unfair use of
intellectual property can be difficult
Difficultly in determining criminal responsibilities
Why is it hard to define and prosecute crime in the internet?3.
Safety & Security
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