SOC 2070 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Mental Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar Disorder

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5 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Week nine soc 2070 social deviance march 7th. Read bereska (221-247), peggy thoits: resisting the stigma of mental illness. Negative perceptions of people with mental disorders are displayed in media: these attitudes hinder recovery, contribute to discrimination and result in mental health programs and policies not being seen as a priority by people in society. During the 19th century, in history, mental illness become more medicalized. The denial stitutionalization movement has helped millions of individuals with mental disorders. Mental health paradigms: disease emphasizes the role of symptoms of the disorders themselves in experiences, discrimination emphasizes the role of stigmatization and prejudice of experiences. Social causation hypothesis more life stresses and fewer resources characterize the lives of the lower class, contributing to the emergence of mental disorders. Retreatism people give up on pursuing the goals and means of attaining them. Social selection hypothesis people with mental disorders can fall into lower economic strata.

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