CHEM 203 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Syn And Anti Addition, Diastereomer, Cyclohexene

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8 Apr 2015

Document Summary

The halogenation of olefins as a diastereoselective reaction (it selectively forms one diastereomer) Terminology used to describe the stereochemical outcome of x y addition to systems: syn and anti additions. Syn addition of a generic molecule x y to the system of an alkene (e. g. , cyclohexene): a process during which the x and y atoms add from the same face of the system: syn addition of x y. X and y add to the same face (e. g. , top face) of the bond. Anti addition of a generic molecule x y to the system of an alkene (e. g. , cyclohexene): a process during which the x and y atoms add from opposite faces of the system: H plane of the ole nic system anti addition of x y. X and y add to opposite faces of the bond. X product of anti addition trans - isomer. The formation of bromonium (halonium) ions as a syn addition process: