BIO 2135 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Drinking Straw, Notum, Centipede

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Mandibles will be very different compared to crustacean. Unique respiratory system: tracheal system pipe air directly to tissues. Name was discarded, what the atelocerata is a reference too is a missing antenna on the third segment. One specimen you"ll look at, is the centipede. Very first thoracic leg trunk leg, has been highly modified, now involved in feeding and just like in crustacean when trunk leg = feed leg = maxillaped! And what it is, is that its the poison claw that the centipede uses as a predator to knock out its prey, we end up seeing the antennae. One thing to realize, they are usually small. And thats a very imp charactersitc, you can hide etc. Micro habitat, etc, also means as a group cuz so small and light, if they fall to ground, they never hurt them selves. These little animals basically induscrtible, all these place to hide in. Like spiders, and chilecerates they have water proof cuticle.