BIO206H5 Lecture 7: GGR112Winter2015Practical2 StudentReport.docx

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10 Feb 2015

Document Summary

To understand the influence of albedo, surface cover and obstructions on an urban environment". To evaluate the albedo of individual material at each site to determine how it will influence the microclimate in a range of conditions (ex: summer/winter) To collect independent air and surface temperature measurements and wind observations. Shortwave radiometer, infrared thermometer, temperature probe, handheld anemometer, compass, abney level or clinometer, measuring tape. Your teaching assistant will lead you to the site of the practical exercise on campus, divide you into groups and will assign tasks. You will work in groups, however you must record your own data in your field notebook. You are required to write and submit a brief report (see details below). Your report will be based only on the activities you carried out, but you should also pay attention to your surroundings and how they might influence the microclimate. The tasks to be conducted are outlined below.