CSB429H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Mesonephric Duct, Sex Cords, Bromodeoxyuridine

53 views7 pages
19 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Male or female = depends on whether we develop ovary or testis the first sex-specific difference that develops. This is why it is called hte primary sex determination. In early embryo, we have a bipotential gonad can develop into testis or ovary and needs right trigger to go one or the other way. After we have testis or ovary; these gonads promote the other sex-specific differences that occur later in development. So we will look at some of these differences and what we know about how they are triggered. Active lab in looking at early testis development (although we don"t know much about early ovary development) Few differences that become very obvious around time trigger is given either to testis development or ovary development (from mice gonads) In mammal tissue, sex is determined by the y chromosome; so an xy genotype will develop a testis and. A number of markers tell us the early differences that occur (brdu)