Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Ginger Beer, Product Liability, Implied Consent

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Any harm caused by one person to another, other than through breach of contract, and for which the law provides a remedy. Tort is a civil law (between two individuals or organizations) Examples: defamation, negligence, trespass, injures physically or economically. Tort of assault (not a criminal but a civil assault), hockey player. A primary objective of the law of tort is to provide compensation to persons who are injured as a result of the actions of others. Put the person in the previous position where he was before the event/injury (cost of the injury) Tort law seeks to shift losses from victims to their tort-feasors who caused the loss. Person who gives compensation consequence was not. Intentional torts a harmful action that is committed on purpose but the. Assault the threat of imminent physical harm. Battery intentional infliction of harmful or offensive. Criminal case and civil case of assault.