Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Lex Mercatoria, Res Ipsa Loquitur, Contributory Negligence

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Statue law: law passed by a properly constituted legislative body. Ratio decedendi: reason for decision (not entire thing) Law merchant: customs or rules established by merchants to resolve disputes. Equity: rules based on decisions made by king, rather than the law. Bill: a proposed law presented to a legislative body. Motion: decision to read a bill a first time. Royal assent: needed in order for bill to become law. Civil code: body of written law that sets out the private rights of the citizens of a state. Administrative law: regulations made under statue law and enforced by administrative bodies. Administrative tribunals: agencies created by legislation to regulate activities or do specific things. Constitution: how a state is organized and the power of its government defined. Substantive law: all laws that set out the rights and duties of individuals (what) Procedural law: the law or procedures that a plantiff must follow to enforce a substantive right (how)