Political Science 1020E Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Deep Ecology, James Lovelock, Radical Change

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More impact on atmosphere on earth that any other single organism on earth. Contracted polio, used system of pulleys to pull him up and down. Toxic chemicals - linked to birth defects. Climate change skeptics appeal to the inexactness of climate science. Climate projections are uncertain, so temperature increase could be smaller or much larger. The uncertainty provides a strong reason for action. A tax on carbon dioxide emissions would prevent current 10% chance of the end of life on earth by 2095. Population should stabilize at 9 to 19 billion. Developed world = developing world x 32. Green rejects anthropocentrism, the idea that human interests are of overriding moral importance and we can use nature for our own needs. We are part of a interconnected natural system. Humans have enormous power to do good or harm to the planet, so we have a great responsibility. Stewardship for future generation: protect, preserve, and sustain nature.

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