Political Science 2231E Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Biological Weapons Convention, Chemical Weapons Convention, Treaty On The Non-Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons

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Lecture 4- the use of force in world politics. Military spending: ,776 billion in 2014, or 60% increase since 2000. Strategic defense initiative: defense system against ballistic missles, also know as star wars started by regan in the early 1950"s. Even in times of peace, countries are preparing for war. Deterrence: the mere possession of nuclear weapons are a powerful deterrent against countries from attacking the country who has them. Mutually assured destruction: the assumption that if one country fires a wmd against another, the victim would fire back killing both. Revolution in military technology: nonlethal weapons. Countries with nuclear weapons: usa, russia, china, france, britain, israel, india, pakistan, north korea. Biological weapons convention 1975: weak treaty, as there is nothing in it for external actors to come into the country and inspect their compliance with the treaty. A adjustment to the treaty is possible in the future.