Psychology 2036A/B Lecture : Psychology Notes

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Homeostasis: the dynamic physiological response on the part of the body to maintain a stable internal state in spite of the demands of the environment. We are always trying to feel good, trying to maintain a calorie balance. Going away from homeostasis is anything that causes discomfort. We can then change our behaviour to try and become more comfortable. Nervous system: the central nervous system (cns) consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (pns) is located outside of the skull and spine and it serves to bring information into the cns and carry signals out of the cns. There is no regeneration of nervous tissue in the cns if there is damage, but pns damaged tissue can be repaired. The pns consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The sns contains afferent nerves (sensory) and efferent nerves (motor). Sensory input allows us to know our body position and then react to this.