PS280 Lecture : What is abnormal behaviour? Defining Abnormal Behaviour The Frequency and Burden of Mental Disorders Historical Perspectives (from the roman era till present)

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Abnormal behaviour describe, explain, predict, and control behaviours considered strange or unusual. Controlling abnormal behaviour the treatment for abnormal behaviour generally follows from its explanations. Conceptual definitions deviations from what is considered normal or most prevalent in a sociocultural context. Statistical deviation/deviation from the usual & violation of norms normal = behaviours that occur most frequently in the general population abnormality= behaviours that are very different form the average. 2 fail to take into account differences in place, community standards, and cultural values statistical criteria do not provide any basis for distinguishing between desirable and undesirable deviations from the norm. Deviation from ideal mental health focus on achieving positive goal (ideal state) rather than on absence of pathology difficult to define with any precision (cid:215) maslow - self actualisation or creativity. Others - competence, autonomy, resistance to stress (but what if under severe stress, is the person considered unhealthy?)