PS280 Lecture : What is personality? Etiological and Treatment Considerations for Personality Disorders (Five factor model and personality disorders) Diagnostic Issues (Reliability, Categorical

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Perception responding: ways that people understand, experience and interpret the world, how person responds to their perceptions, typical" behaviours, big picture" vs. detailed observer how approach tasks interaction stable in adulthood. 5 key dimensions of personality preference for interpersonal interactions, being fun-loving and active. 5. extraversion neuroticism emotional adjustment and stability openness to experience curiosity, willingness to entertain new ideas and values, and emotional responsiveness agreeableness conscientiousness being good-natured, helpful, forgiving, and responsive being organized, persistent, punctual, and self-directed. 2 genetic characteristics may affect environmental factors, which in turn influence personality. There are 10 personality disorders in the dsm-iv the traits must be extreme and inflexible, and cause occupational, interpersonal problems seen across cultures. The person must exhibit the behaviours for the particular disorder. The behaviours are exhibited in a wide range of contexts, not just in particular circumstances. The behaviours are of sufficient intensity that they are maladaptive, and interfere with the persons" occupational and social functioning.