PSY 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Basal Ganglia, Cerebral Cortex, Procedural Memory

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13 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Unlimited duration: have memories that can last/ not fade throughout their lifetime, can"t get rid of memories, even if we want to. Unlimited capacity: severe limitations on how quickly we can move information into long term memory, the more we know, the easier it is to learn, framework. Serial position curve: little bit of short term and long term, we remember the first words and last words, primacy and recancy effect, primacy: clean slate, easier to remember, no interference effects. Declarative/explicit: verbal, can be declared, consciously searched for, easy to talk about, semantic, language, vocab. Certain amount of overlap: autobiographical: combination of facts and memories. Non-declarative/implicit: not as tied into the verbal system, automatic subconscious way, ex. Driving, driving stick, don"t think about, just do. Can learn stuff wrong, then it"s hard to relearn: classical conditioning, not consciously searching out that program, priming. We need our hippocampus to store memories.