BIO 124 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Introgression, Reproductive Isolation, Speciation

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Speciation- process by which one species splits into 2 or more species. Reproductive isolation- populations unable to produce viable ofspring. Geographic isolation- populations physically isolated by distance/ barrier. Subspecies- diferentiated forms populations which have not yet been given species status. Leads to introgression- movement & incorporation of genes from one population to another. Monophyletic group- group that includes all descendants of a common ancestor. Morphological species concept- species are organisms that look really diferent. Genetic cluster species concept- species are distinct genetic cluster separated by few intermediates. Phylogenetic species concept- species is smallest monophyletic group, species are exclusive groups- members are more closely related to one another than to any other organism. Biological species concept- species are potentially interbreeding and reproductively isolated. Habitat isolation- diferent habitats, species never can encounter one another. Behavior isolation- social cues do not attract other species. Mechanical isolation- physical arrangement does not line up to reproduce.