BIO 226 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Haloarcula, Chromosome, Diplo

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Salmonella = gi pathogen, is a gram (-) rod: usually found because of fecal contamination (because of cross contamination) o. Typically because of big factories when there"s a mix of products. Eu = true, karyote = nucleus (true nucleus) Structures: membrane bound organelles, nucleus, mitochondria: diploid = paired chromosomes in nucleus membrane, has histones (dna is wrapped around it to condense everything to make it all fit) o. Polysaccharide cell walls: mitotic spindle - longer process of division than prokaryotes. Pro = before, karyote = nucleus (before nucleus: monoploid = one big circular chromosome (looks like the big spaghetti tangle in the middle) that"s not in a membrane. No histones (dna is wrapped around it to condense everything to make it all fit: no organelles o. Bacteria: peptidoglycan cell walls: archaea: pseudomurein cell walls (really weird organisms like things that live in acid and high temps with crazy metabolisms) o.