BIO 111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Lev Vygotsky

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5 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Today in lecture 3, notes consist of the theorists talked about in last lecture. **** i will be adding in as well as my highlights these will be necessary information to know. Sesorimator: object permeance, information processing, differential limitation, little scientist, a not b error. Last week talking about piaget we were talking about tasks. Concrete op (move from position you can"t do something to you can) *piaget is going to come back to haunt us all semester long. Emotional handicap: (eh) when children cannot apporopriately label their emotions. Scaffolding: building that necessary framework or structure to attack learning to. *kohlberg 6 stages: fear of punishment, in your own self-interest to obey, based group conformity. Law & order mentality: laws are relative &subject to change some laws hold higher morality, based on universal human rights and we are wiling o put ourselves at risk to protect it. Gilligan: females have more of a care perspective.