CHEM 213 Lecture 1: Lecture 1

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Lecture #1: mondays 4-5:30pm and wednesdays 6-7:30pm will be si sessions, acs chapters 1-23 are all on the nal exam, will be four exams and a nal exam. all weighed the same. Alcohols: if there is no number in the name for an alcohol, we assume the alcohol is located at carbon #1. Ether = c o c: diethyl ether, tert-butyl, methyl ether. Naming alcohols: longest chain containing the oh is the parent chain. Reviewed intermolecular forces: dipole-dipole, ionic, dispersion, and hydrogen bonding forces. A. k. a. boiling point and solubility: alcohols have higher boiling points because of hydrogen bonding. Longer the chain of carbon, the higher the boiling point: alcohols are more soluble than ethers, because of hydrogen bonding interactions. Oh is better than c-o-c in making hydrogen bonding interactions with water: as alcohol gets longer, it"s less soluble. Synthesis of alcohols from alkenes: three ways we already covered last semester. Acid catalyzed hydration: rearrangements occur, markovnikovian.