BIO 12D Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Common Flexor Tendon, Biceps, Triceps Brachii Muscle

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Arm and forearm muscles that move the elbow joint/forearm. Muscles in limbs organized into compartments which are surrounded by deep fasia. Each compartment houses functionally related skeletal muscles. Subdivided into anterior compartment and posterior compartment. Anterior compartment: primarily contains elbow flexors. Posterior compartment contains elbow extensors the principal flexors: biceps brachii large two headed muscle on anterior surface of humerus. Flexes forearm: brachialis deep to biceps brachii and lies on anterior surface of humers. Most powerful flexor of forearm at elbow: brachioradialis most prominent muscle on lateral surface of forearm. Synergist in forearm flexion: muscles that extend the elbow joint triceps brachii large 3 headed muscle on posterior surface of arm. Only long head of triceps brachii crosses glenohumeral joint, where it helps extend humerus. All 3 part of muscle merge to form common insertion on olecranon of ulna: anconeus weak elbow extensor. Supinator muscle supinates the forearm: supinator works synergistically w/ biceps brachii to supinate forearm.