BIOS10115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Immunoglobulin G, Protozoa, Adaptive Immune System

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Innate immunity: aka genetic immunity, physical barriers, chemical barriers, cellular defenses, inflammation, fever, species immunity= all members of species (cid:498)born with(cid:499) Ex. humans do not get infected with canine distemper. Adaptive/specific/acquired immunity: second line of defense, 2 components: When invader gets into our cells very rapidly. Invader is in our blood: recognizes specific invaders. Antigens and antibodies: antigen= something body recognizes as foreign, mounts an immune response. Can be on bacteria cell, protozoa, virus, pollen. Often on surface of microorganisms and cells. Can be on flagella, pili, cell wall: epitope= area on antigen where antibodies bind. Group of amino acids: antibody= a protein produced by our bodies in response to an antigen. Antigen-antibody reactions: epitopes on invader get recognized y specific antibody, antibodies attach to specific antigen on invader. Acquired immunity: obtained in some other way than heredity, active= production of our own antibodies. Naturally acquired: exposure to infectious agent, usually follows a disease. Artificial: immunization: passive= ready-made antibodies introduced.