CHEM 1151 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Oil Drop Experiment, Robert Andrews Millikan, Atomic Number

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Anything that has mass and takes up space. Mass = quantity of matter an object has. Elements are composed of atoms, indivisible (dalton"s atomic theory) All atoms of given element are identical, cannot be converted into atoms of another element. Jj thomson disproved idea that atoms are simplest form of matters. Negatively charged particles, m/z (mass over charge of electrons) Disprove that electrons are scattered thru atom. Most of the mass of the atom and its positive charge is in the nucleus. Diameter of atom is much larger than the diameter of the nucleus. Established + charge of protons and - charge of electrons, = in magnitude (neutral atom) Carbon atom with a mass number of 12. All atoms for a given element do not have identical atomic mass numbers. 1st version of periodic table of the elements. Species formed when atoms lose or gain electrons.