EEOB 2520 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Hormone, Sympathetic Nervous System, Diencephalon

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Contraction increase calcium through plasma membrane channels (ligand, voltage, mechanical) that bring ca in from interstitial fluid cross-bridge cycling (same as skeletal muscle steps) {figure 9-34} In skeletal myofiber we put ca back into sarcoplasmic reticulum where it originally came from (that was inside the cell but not in the cytosol, a special place) In smooth muscle put ca back outside the cell in the interstitial fluid no. Sarcoplasmic reticulum ca came from interstitial fluid outside the cell. Use an atpase pump to create a gradient and move calcium out of the cell: want there to be 0 ca inside the cell so going against its gradient so need a pump. Get rid of the ca = can"t change shape of calmodulin (which is in the cytosol of the cell)= cannot activate myosin light chain kinase = cannot phosphorylate myosin head. = not be able to move into the position and cause contraction.