BIO 211 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Homeostasis, Positron Emission Tomography, Trachea

116 views3 pages
13 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Anatomy: structure and organization of the body. Gross anatomy: what is visible with the naked eye: systemic anatomy: studying one organ system at a time, regional anatomy: studying all systems in a particular region. Example; cephalic region (nerves, blood vessels, bones, etc: surface anatomy: palpating external structures to assess internal structures, embryologic anatomy: studying organisms at every stage of development, comparative anatomy: comparisons to different species. Microscopic anatomy: invisible to the naked eye: cytology: study of cells and their internal structures, histology: study of tissues. Specialized branches: pathologic anatomy: normal vs diseased/injured, radiographic anatomy: looking at internal structures via non invasive means (i. e digital imaging) Cell physiology: all metabolic processes in individual cells. Neuro-, cardiovascular-, reproductive-: function of neurologic, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Anatomy and physiology are interrelated because you need the knowledge of one to know the other. X-rays: pass through soft tissue; dense tissue absorbs rays: can see dense tissue, but not soft tissue.