BIO 208 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Cerebral Cortex, Parallel Fiber, Semicircular Canals

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Little brain critical for coordination also called the arbor vitae. Deep cerebellar nuclei: output of the cerebellum. Pontine nuclei: source of inputs to cerebellum. Four zones of cerebellar cortex: vermis receives visual, auditory, vestibular, and somatosensory sensory inputs. This region modulates posture, locomotion, and eye movements: intermediate receives somatosensory input from the limbs. This region modulates movements of the distal limbs: hemisphere (lateral) receives inputs exclusively from the cerebral cortex. This region modulates the activity of the cerebral cortex: flocculonodular lobe (vestibulocerebellum) receives vestibular and visual sensory inputs. The cerebellum modulates activity in all of the cerebral cortex. Deep cerebellar nuclei: neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei, 3 layers of cerebellar cortex: molecular, purkinje: contacted by climbing fibers. The dendritic tree of purkinje cells is flat. A single parallel fiber comes into the molecular layer, bifurcates and runs perpendicular to the purkinje cell dendrites. A single parallel fiber synapses once or at most twice on 300-400 purkinje cells.