BIO 309 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Digestion, Lignin, Cellulose

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Prokaryotes: archaea- domain of life that is structurally similar to bacteria, yet uses many metabolic pathways similar to eukaryotes, not bacteria, not only extremophiles, bacteria- huge domain of single celled life that are everywhere. Photon flux density is the number of photons striking 1m^2 per second. Watts, lumens, candlepower etc aren"t used here because plants absorb photons for photosynthesis. Many things change quality and intensity of light, including surrounding absorption. All algae and most plants create phosphoglyceric acid as part of their metabolic pathway. This has three carbons, so it is called c3 photosynthesis. C3 and c4 and cam have different leaf structures. Pep carboxylase has high affinity for co2. Co2 is concentrated in bundle sheath cells increasing efficiency. Leaf anatomy: c3 mesophyll, c4 kranz morphology. Lower carbon to nitrogen ratios are crucial. Nutritionally useless: lettuce; you have to eat a lot. In order to get nutrients herbivore need without having to eat a whole forest.