NURS 301 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Intramuscular Injection, Pectoralis Major Muscle, Toe

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What is the importance of learning about muscular system in
biomedical disciplines?
Physical therapy
Prescribe relevant exercises
Muscle functions and locations
Intramuscular injection
Common words to name muscles
Abdominis (abdomen)
Brachii (arm)
Capitis (head)
Carpi (wrist)
Cervicis (neck)
Digiti (finger, toe, sinugular)
Digitorum (finger, toe, plural)
Femoris (femur, or thigh)
Fibularis (fibula)
Hallucis (great toe)
Indicis (index finger)
Intercostal (between the ribs)
Lumborum (of the lower back)
Pectoralis (of the chest)
Pollicis (of the thumb)
Profundus (deep)
Superficialis (superficial)
Thoracis (of the thorax)
Brevis (short)
Longus (long)
Major (large)
Maximus (largest)
Minimus (smallest)
Minor (small)
Mandibular Movement
Depression: opening the mouth
Elevation: closing the mouth
Protraction: horizontal movement of the mandible anteriorly
Retraction: Horizontal movement of the mandible posteriorly
Rotation: the anterior tip of the mandible is slewed from side
to side
Facial Muscles
Temporalis: fan shaped on skull
Origin: temporal bone
Insertion: mandible
Action: Elevates retracts, lateral and medial excursion
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Zygomatic
Action: elevation of mandible
Pterygoids (Medial and lateral)
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Sphenoid
Action: elevates/protracts, lateral and medial excursion,
depression of the mandible
Chewing Muscles
3 above muscles all involved in chewing
Masseter and temporalis are superficial level
Pterygoids deeper
Scapular Movement
Adduction (retraction)
Abduction (protraction)
Upward rotation/downward rotation
Upward is towards lateral side of body
Downward is towards medial side of body
Origin: occipital bone/cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: scapula and clavicle
Action: elevation and adduction of scapula
E.g. shoulder shrugging
Levator Scapula
Origin: upper border of scapula
Insertion: cervical vertebrae
Action: stabilize and elevate scapula
Rhomboids (one later deep from Levator)
Origin: cervical/thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: medial border of scapula
Action: adduction of scapula
Shoulder Movement
Internal (medial) rotation
External (lateral) rotation
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Clavicle, sternum, and ribs
Insertion: Humerus
Action: flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi
Biggest muscle on back of body
Origin: thoracic vertebrae, pelvis
Insertion: humerus
Action: adduction, extends and medial rotation humerus
Origin: clavicle and scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: abduction/flexion/extension, medial rotation of
Origin: scapula (anterior side)
Insertion: humerus
Action: medially rotate humerus
Origin: post border of scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: abduction of humerus
Origin: scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: laterally rotates humerus
Teres minor
Origin: scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: adducts and lateral rotation humerus
Rotator Cuff
4 muscles dynamic stability of shoulder
Act together and provide stability for activities like throwing a
ball or any kind of movement overhead activity
Teres minor
Elbow Movement
Biceps brachii
Origin: scapula
Insertion: radius
Action: humerus and elbow flexion
Anterior side of arm
2 heads, short and long
Origin: humerus
Insertion: ulna
Action: elbow flexion (primer mover)
Triceps brachii
Origin: scapula
Insertion: ulna
Action: extend humerus and elbow
Posterior side of arm
3 heads, long, lateral, and medium
Hip Movement
Flexion "kicking up"
Extension "kicking back"
Adduction "away from midline"
Abduction "bringing towards midline"
Medial rotation "internal rotation"
Lateral rotation "external rotation"
Origin: lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: femur
Action: flexion of femur and trunk
Tensor Fascia Lata
Origin: ilium
Insertion: tibia via iliotibial band
Action: extend knee, abduct and medial rotate femur
Gluteal muscles
Origin: ilium
Insertion: femur
Action: extend and abduct femur
Adductors (group)
Origin: ilium
Insertion: femur
Action: adduction of femur
Anterior and medial side
Knee Joint Movement
Quadriceps Femoris
Origin: ilium and femur
Insertion: tibia
Action: extension of knee
Origin: ischium
Insertion: tibia and fibula
Action: Flexion of knee joint
Ankle Joint Movement
Pronation, sole faces in
Supination: sole faces out
Origin: femur
Insertion: heel vis Achilles tendon
Calf muscles: gastrocnemius and soleus
Action: plantar flexion of ankle, flexion of knee
Tibialis Anterior
Origin: tibia
Insertion: metatarsal bone
Action: Dorsi flexion of ankle
Online Lecture - Week 3
Friday, April 13, 2018
2:15 PM
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What is the importance of learning about muscular system in
biomedical disciplines?
Physical therapy
Prescribe relevant exercises
Muscle functions and locations
Intramuscular injection
Common words to name muscles
Abdominis (abdomen)
Brachii (arm)
Capitis (head)
Carpi (wrist)
Cervicis (neck)
Digiti (finger, toe, sinugular)
Digitorum (finger, toe, plural)
Femoris (femur, or thigh)
Fibularis (fibula)
Hallucis (great toe)
Indicis (index finger)
Intercostal (between the ribs)
Lumborum (of the lower back)
Pectoralis (of the chest)
Pollicis (of the thumb)
Profundus (deep)
Superficialis (superficial)
Thoracis (of the thorax)
Brevis (short)
Longus (long)
Major (large)
Maximus (largest)
Minimus (smallest)
Minor (small)
Mandibular Movement
Depression: opening the mouth
Elevation: closing the mouth
Protraction: horizontal movement of the mandible anteriorly
Retraction: Horizontal movement of the mandible posteriorly
Rotation: the anterior tip of the mandible is slewed from side
to side
Facial Muscles
Temporalis: fan shaped on skull
Origin: temporal bone
Insertion: mandible
Action: Elevates retracts, lateral and medial excursion
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Zygomatic
Action: elevation of mandible
Pterygoids (Medial and lateral)
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Sphenoid
Action: elevates/protracts, lateral and medial excursion,
depression of the mandible
Chewing Muscles
3 above muscles all involved in chewing
Masseter and temporalis are superficial level
Pterygoids deeper
Scapular Movement
Adduction (retraction)
Abduction (protraction)
Upward rotation/downward rotation
Upward is towards lateral side of body
Downward is towards medial side of body
Origin: occipital bone/cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: scapula and clavicle
Action: elevation and adduction of scapula
E.g. shoulder shrugging
Levator Scapula
Origin: upper border of scapula
Insertion: cervical vertebrae
Action: stabilize and elevate scapula
Rhomboids (one later deep from Levator)
Origin: cervical/thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: medial border of scapula
Action: adduction of scapula
Shoulder Movement
Internal (medial) rotation
External (lateral) rotation
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Clavicle, sternum, and ribs
Insertion: Humerus
Action: flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi
Biggest muscle on back of body
Origin: thoracic vertebrae, pelvis
Insertion: humerus
Action: adduction, extends and medial rotation humerus
Origin: clavicle and scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: abduction/flexion/extension, medial rotation of
Origin: scapula (anterior side)
Insertion: humerus
Action: medially rotate humerus
Origin: post border of scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: abduction of humerus
Origin: scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: laterally rotates humerus
Teres minor
Origin: scapula
Insertion: humerus
Action: adducts and lateral rotation humerus
Rotator Cuff
4 muscles dynamic stability of shoulder
Act together and provide stability for activities like throwing a
ball or any kind of movement overhead activity
Teres minor
Elbow Movement
Biceps brachii
Origin: scapula
Insertion: radius
Action: humerus and elbow flexion
Anterior side of arm
2 heads, short and long
Origin: humerus
Insertion: ulna
Action: elbow flexion (primer mover)
Triceps brachii
Origin: scapula
Insertion: ulna
Action: extend humerus and elbow
Posterior side of arm
3 heads, long, lateral, and medium
Hip Movement
Flexion "kicking up"
Extension "kicking back"
Adduction "away from midline"
Abduction "bringing towards midline"
Medial rotation "internal rotation"
Lateral rotation "external rotation"
Origin: lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: femur
Action: flexion of femur and trunk
Tensor Fascia Lata
Origin: ilium
Insertion: tibia via iliotibial band
Action: extend knee, abduct and medial rotate femur
Gluteal muscles
Origin: ilium
Insertion: femur
Action: extend and abduct femur
Adductors (group)
Origin: ilium
Insertion: femur
Action: adduction of femur
Anterior and medial side
Knee Joint Movement
Quadriceps Femoris
Origin: ilium and femur
Insertion: tibia
Action: extension of knee
Origin: ischium
Insertion: tibia and fibula
Action: Flexion of knee joint
Ankle Joint Movement
Pronation, sole faces in
Supination: sole faces out
Origin: femur
Insertion: heel vis Achilles tendon
Calf muscles: gastrocnemius and soleus
Action: plantar flexion of ankle, flexion of knee
Tibialis Anterior
Origin: tibia
Insertion: metatarsal bone
Action: Dorsi flexion of ankle
Online Lecture - Week 3
Friday, April 13, 2018 2:15 PM
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