BIO SCI M114 Lecture 10: Lecture 10.docx

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Looking at immunoglobulin, we look at which chain is hydrogen bonded to another: often times, certain topologies are more common, ab"s have similar topologies but have a variable region that are specific to the ag, topologies are structures that may favor a particular enzymatic function, topologies are strictly regarding the order of 2ndary strictures, like b sheet barrels, nucleotide fold. Observed in all enzymes that bind nucleotides: jane richardson was one of the first people to illustrate all of these protein motifs, whenever we have parallel b sheet we must have helical returns, some proteins look like the greek key, 20% and 20% of all proteins have structures like the greek key, why would these topologies be favored, there is no functional correlation , it could because the ribosome creates a ribbon fold as it holds on to the nascent peptide.