FAMST 96 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Cinema Of The United Kingdom, Childrens Hospital, Ferris Wheel

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Classic of film noir
Long title page, bell tower sound, Big Ben in the left portion of the frame ----
British film, British production
Credits are laid on a background of guitar strings
Now going back to this point after viewing the film, could these be
*"ukulele"* strings
Importance of the score being all string music
"Carol Reed's production of The Third Man by Graham Greene" official title
Lighthearted, upbeat, almost ukulele-like Spongebob music
**Vienna** Title frame
Man's voice narrating his knowledge about Vienna, Austria and it's post-WWII
Historically explaining Vienna and its division into four parts (France, Russia,
Britain, USA)
Narrator speaking very fast over frames of Vienna
Man on train (perhaps our narrator?)
Man seems in a rush perhaps
Man is going to visit a friend (Harry Lime) who he finds out has passed just
before his arrival
He was going because Lime offered him a job
Straight cut to the cemetery where the funeral/burial is being held
Somber faces
No English being spoken
Closeup of the film's key characters, specifically Anna Schmidt (lover of
Harry Lime)
Ashes being spread
Importance of never seeing this man Lime and his body?
"best friend I ever had" - Holly Martins speaking on Harry Lime
Holly seems very upset and angered in next scene.. Perhaps drunk?
Yes drunk
Reveals he has a bit of a drinking problem, but it isn’t a well-highlighted
theme of the film
Raging in the bar about police, etc..
Holly is an author, his stories are well known among the men he is encountering
American novelist
Crabbin - introduces himself to Martins
All of the dialogue is pretty fast
Phone rings for Martins
More music sounding similar to the opening credits score plays as Martins walks
through Vienna
"it's wonderful how you keep the tension… suspense"
Martins is trying to solve the "crime" of Harry's death, as he finds is suspicious
that he was just accidentally killed by a speeding vehicle, surrounded by his
"even at the end, his thoughts were on you" - Harry's thoughts on Holly Martins
Contradicting information, because few of the stories of the "accident" say
that he died instantaneously or something
Mystery surrounding Harry's death and who he was with at the time
Suspicious that he was surrounded by acquaintances at his death, and that
there isn't much evidence
Everyone writing the death off as a true and tragic accident
Martins in search of Ms. Schmidt
An actress who has just performed in a theatrical production
Harry Lime's lover (at the time of his death)
Holly Martins questions if Schmidt loved Lime.. She says she doesn’t know
anything regarding his death except that she wants to be dead too
Harry couldn’t have been in much pain when he died because he had many last
He spoke on Anna Schmidt and Holly Martins (supposedly) before passing
on the sidewalk
No strangers were around when Harry died, just people very close to him
Accident or not??
Was he murdered by a friend of his?
It was told that after Harry was hit by the car, he was still alive and was carried
to the sidewalk across the street by two/three men (the two men were Kurtz
and Popescu)
Discrepancy in the stories here
Everyone including the police report says that there were only two men
carrying Harry Lime
The porter of Lime's place says there were three men
Who is "The Third Man"?
He also says that Lime died instantaneously so there is no way he
would've talked about any of his loved ones, or given any
Sadder more somber music playing as Schmidt brushes her hair
Importance of the same type of string score
Harry could not have been alive after the impact he suffered "because of how his
head was" (witness says)
Shot-reverse-shot (first time used?)
Very intense
Revelation that not all witnesses gave accounts of what happened
This is where the variation of stories comes in
First time these close ups happen, signifying importance and gravity of
information being revealed
Gap - temporary? How exactly did Harry die?
This informational gap pushes the film for the audience
Entire point of the film is to find out exactly how Harry died.. Who did it,
who was there, details.
Debate over whether or not the death was an accident
Holly Martins believes there are too many lies circulating
Small child is revealed as Martins yells at the porter for not being forthcoming
with his knowledge
Who is the boy? Does he understand what's going on?
Seems that lots of information is revealed in German
Holly cannot understand, nobody really translates to him, so we are both
lacking information
Police searching Schmidt's loft
Police say Harry Lime was murdered and that Schmidt wasn't bothered
with gathering evidence to conclude such
Lime was a racketeer [either killed by his friends or an accident]
Calloway - detective/officer (Major)
Schmidt has forged papers made by Lime, and she claims that was the only bad
thing he ever did
Holly Martins was told repeatedly not to get involved by Major Calloway because
of who Lime was, and now he is entangled in this murder investigation of his
Film starts with the death of Lime, so now we know everything will surround
Although, the very beginning of the film seemed relatively adventurous
(positively), unless I missed a detail
Music playing again now in a moment of fear for Schmidt as she is awaiting
Dr. Winkel being looked for (Lime's doctor "medical advisor"
Wasn't present @ time of death, but arrived shortly after and said only
two men were present with Lime
Lime was run over by a car, two friends were with him, he was dead
instantaneously… conscious for a few moments as he was carried across
the road… according to Winkel, the death was accidental
Holly wants to know if he was pushed.. Thus, murdered
Whenever Schmidt is around, score is somber… violin at the bar
Multiplicities of stories being told about the death
Difference in score/background music played as each person tells their
Reliance on the police report untrue because that also says there were only 2
men present when the porter says there were 3
Some people believe Lime was involved in racket, but apparently it was
impossible (not actually impossible)
Joseph Hobbin (?) - brought up by Holly
What was said about him?
Man holly just interviewed on the phone immediately, again not speaking
Buildup of tension/suspense through music, audience expectation of something
Shocked face of the porter at Lime's apartment after he yells out of the window
We never see what he saw
Huge tension moment and informational gap
What did he see? Who was it? Fear in his eyes
Quick dissolve to the next scene.. Smith and Holly
Small child's voice.. Finally being vocal.. Yelling… his yelling is causing more of an
uproar than there already is outside of apartment
Porter has been murdered
Conveniently before he was supposed to tip Martins more information
surrounding Lime's death
Kid is following Holly and Schmidt screaming "papa, papa!!" (??)
According to synopsis, he recognizes Martins as being the man who was
yelling at the porter earlier, and is leading the crowd to believe he is a
suspect/the murderer
Plot = double homicide at this point
Calloway hiding evidence as well? He keeps suggesting that Martins leave
He seems to be the most suspicious
How is this tool of style enhancing the plot?
Smith and holly grow a romantic relationship or feelings of some sort
Kinda saw this coming in their interactions
He seemed fond of her to start
She was grieving so her vulnerability was understandable
Major Calloway reveals important info about Harry and his lifestyle
He was stealing penicillin from the hospitals and black marketing it
Martins finally seems convinced to drop the investigation and leave Vienna
Holly goes to visit Anna to say goodbye, and she tells him that she is being
He tries to interact with her cat which turns into a significant moment?
Importance of the cat
The cat only liked Harry (Anna reveals when Holly tries to interact with it)
The cat was snuggling up to a man's shoes, face not shown on the porch
Has to be snuggling up to Harry because of what Anna JUST revealed
A gap that was quickly closed, leading for the main gap to be
partially closed as well
"he was better dead" -- Anna
Harry is alive!
Holly professes love for Anna (somewhat)
Martins says there was justice in Harry's death if it was a murder
Loudness of the somber music again
Cat still on the stoop, meowing after Holly
Harry is alive, face revealed by bright light as angry woman shouts from a
window above him
Slight smirk on Harry's face, and "unseriousness" of the shot = comedic
Holly almost gets hit by a car as he tries to run over to Harry on the stoop
Harry takes off running
Intense music playing again (strong)
Martins enlists the help of Major Calloway who deduces that Lime was in the
Sewer as a new location
It was suggested that Harry escaped through the sewer system
Beginning a new portion of this investigation - no longer trying to find
Harry's killer, but find Harry now
British police are digging out Harry's grave after he was seen by Holly
If they're opening the grave, what were the "ashes" spread at the funeral?
More info revealed in German or other language…
We are left to figure out what's being said/revealed only through facial
expressions and the tone/mood of the score
Anna is taken to International Police Headquarters again
Then revealed that Joseph Hobbin's body was buried in Lime's place.. Harry is
still alive and the police believe Anna knows such and has seen him
Hobbin was the one brought up by Martins earlier in the film but there
was little information said about him
Harry escaped "safe" in the Russian zone
Calloway working with Holly Martins
Both men visiting children's hospital (largest in Vienna)
Calloway shows the children Lime has affected because of his marketing
Martins meets Lime and they go to ride a ferris wheel over Vienna
Martins tells that the government knows he faked his death
Weird interaction
Lime reveals how little his victims meant -- extremely amoral
Martins and Anna in the train station
Anna confronts Martins for working with Calloway
He reveals that Calloway was helping to assure that Anna was safe
This puts off Martins decision to leave Vienna
Lime in sewer again, shots going back and forth
Police meet him there as he tries to escape
Shot and too badly injured to make it up the ladder and out
Final shot - suspecting that Lime was killed
Last frame, after Lime's second and real funeral
Anna walking down the street, in the direction of Holly, but walks right
past him and ignores him
She never makes eye contact with him or looks his way
As she walks towards the camera, she veers to the right to be out of the
way of the camera
Pointing to the lack of technological advancements in editing
because it's obvious she veers as to not hit the camera
Lecture 7: The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1959)
Monday, April 23, 2018
1:58 PM
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Classic of film noir
Long title page, bell tower sound, Big Ben in the left portion of the frame ----
British film, British production
Credits are laid on a background of guitar strings
Now going back to this point after viewing the film, could these be
*"ukulele"* strings
Importance of the score being all string music
"Carol Reed's production of The Third Man by Graham Greene" official title
Lighthearted, upbeat, almost ukulele-like Spongebob music
**Vienna** Title frame
Man's voice narrating his knowledge about Vienna, Austria and it's post-WWII
Historically explaining Vienna and its division into four parts (France, Russia,
Britain, USA)
Narrator speaking very fast over frames of Vienna
Man on train (perhaps our narrator?)
Man seems in a rush perhaps
Man is going to visit a friend (Harry Lime) who he finds out has passed just
before his arrival
He was going because Lime offered him a job
Straight cut to the cemetery where the funeral/burial is being held
Somber faces
No English being spoken
Closeup of the film's key characters, specifically Anna Schmidt (lover of
Harry Lime)
Ashes being spread
Importance of never seeing this man Lime and his body?
"best friend I ever had" - Holly Martins speaking on Harry Lime
Holly seems very upset and angered in next scene.. Perhaps drunk?
Yes drunk
Reveals he has a bit of a drinking problem, but it isn’t a well-highlighted
theme of the film
Raging in the bar about police, etc..
Holly is an author, his stories are well known among the men he is encountering
American novelist
Crabbin - introduces himself to Martins
All of the dialogue is pretty fast
Phone rings for Martins
More music sounding similar to the opening credits score plays as Martins walks
through Vienna
"it's wonderful how you keep the tension… suspense"
Martins is trying to solve the "crime" of Harry's death, as he finds is suspicious
that he was just accidentally killed by a speeding vehicle, surrounded by his
"even at the end, his thoughts were on you" - Harry's thoughts on Holly Martins
Contradicting information, because few of the stories of the "accident" say
that he died instantaneously or something
Mystery surrounding Harry's death and who he was with at the time
Suspicious that he was surrounded by acquaintances at his death, and that
there isn't much evidence
Everyone writing the death off as a true and tragic accident
Martins in search of Ms. Schmidt
An actress who has just performed in a theatrical production
Harry Lime's lover (at the time of his death)
Holly Martins questions if Schmidt loved Lime.. She says she doesn’t know
anything regarding his death except that she wants to be dead too
Harry couldn’t have been in much pain when he died because he had many last
He spoke on Anna Schmidt and Holly Martins (supposedly) before passing
on the sidewalk
No strangers were around when Harry died, just people very close to him
Accident or not??
Was he murdered by a friend of his?
It was told that after Harry was hit by the car, he was still alive and was carried
to the sidewalk across the street by two/three men (the two men were Kurtz
and Popescu)
Discrepancy in the stories here
Everyone including the police report says that there were only two men
carrying Harry Lime
The porter of Lime's place says there were three men
Who is "The Third Man"?
He also says that Lime died instantaneously so there is no way he
would've talked about any of his loved ones, or given any
Sadder more somber music playing as Schmidt brushes her hair
Importance of the same type of string score
Harry could not have been alive after the impact he suffered "because of how his
head was" (witness says)
Shot-reverse-shot (first time used?)
Very intense
Revelation that not all witnesses gave accounts of what happened
This is where the variation of stories comes in
First time these close ups happen, signifying importance and gravity of
information being revealed
Gap - temporary? How exactly did Harry die?
This informational gap pushes the film for the audience
Entire point of the film is to find out exactly how Harry died.. Who did it,
who was there, details.
Debate over whether or not the death was an accident
Holly Martins believes there are too many lies circulating
Small child is revealed as Martins yells at the porter for not being forthcoming
with his knowledge
Who is the boy? Does he understand what's going on?
Seems that lots of information is revealed in German
Holly cannot understand, nobody really translates to him, so we are both
lacking information
Police searching Schmidt's loft
Police say Harry Lime was murdered and that Schmidt wasn't bothered
with gathering evidence to conclude such
Lime was a racketeer [either killed by his friends or an accident]
Calloway - detective/officer (Major)
Schmidt has forged papers made by Lime, and she claims that was the only bad
thing he ever did
Holly Martins was told repeatedly not to get involved by Major Calloway because
of who Lime was, and now he is entangled in this murder investigation of his
Film starts with the death of Lime, so now we know everything will surround
Although, the very beginning of the film seemed relatively adventurous
(positively), unless I missed a detail
Music playing again now in a moment of fear for Schmidt as she is awaiting
Dr. Winkel being looked for (Lime's doctor "medical advisor"
Wasn't present @ time of death, but arrived shortly after and said only
two men were present with Lime
Lime was run over by a car, two friends were with him, he was dead
instantaneously… conscious for a few moments as he was carried across
the road… according to Winkel, the death was accidental
Holly wants to know if he was pushed.. Thus, murdered
Whenever Schmidt is around, score is somber… violin at the bar
Multiplicities of stories being told about the death
Difference in score/background music played as each person tells their
Reliance on the police report untrue because that also says there were only 2
men present when the porter says there were 3
Some people believe Lime was involved in racket, but apparently it was
impossible (not actually impossible)
Joseph Hobbin (?) - brought up by Holly
What was said about him?
Man holly just interviewed on the phone immediately, again not speaking
Buildup of tension/suspense through music, audience expectation of something
Shocked face of the porter at Lime's apartment after he yells out of the window
We never see what he saw
Huge tension moment and informational gap
What did he see? Who was it? Fear in his eyes
Quick dissolve to the next scene.. Smith and Holly
Small child's voice.. Finally being vocal.. Yelling… his yelling is causing more of an
uproar than there already is outside of apartment
Porter has been murdered
Conveniently before he was supposed to tip Martins more information
surrounding Lime's death
Kid is following Holly and Schmidt screaming "papa, papa!!" (??)
According to synopsis, he recognizes Martins as being the man who was
yelling at the porter earlier, and is leading the crowd to believe he is a
suspect/the murderer
Plot = double homicide at this point
Calloway hiding evidence as well? He keeps suggesting that Martins leave
He seems to be the most suspicious
How is this tool of style enhancing the plot?
Smith and holly grow a romantic relationship or feelings of some sort
Kinda saw this coming in their interactions
He seemed fond of her to start
She was grieving so her vulnerability was understandable
Major Calloway reveals important info about Harry and his lifestyle
He was stealing penicillin from the hospitals and black marketing it
Martins finally seems convinced to drop the investigation and leave Vienna
Holly goes to visit Anna to say goodbye, and she tells him that she is being
He tries to interact with her cat which turns into a significant moment?
Importance of the cat
The cat only liked Harry (Anna reveals when Holly tries to interact with it)
The cat was snuggling up to a man's shoes, face not shown on the porch
Has to be snuggling up to Harry because of what Anna JUST revealed
A gap that was quickly closed, leading for the main gap to be
partially closed as well
"he was better dead" -- Anna
Harry is alive!
Holly professes love for Anna (somewhat)
Martins says there was justice in Harry's death if it was a murder
Loudness of the somber music again
Cat still on the stoop, meowing after Holly
Harry is alive, face revealed by bright light as angry woman shouts from a
window above him
Slight smirk on Harry's face, and "unseriousness" of the shot = comedic
Holly almost gets hit by a car as he tries to run over to Harry on the stoop
Harry takes off running
Intense music playing again (strong)
Martins enlists the help of Major Calloway who deduces that Lime was in the
Sewer as a new location
It was suggested that Harry escaped through the sewer system
Beginning a new portion of this investigation - no longer trying to find
Harry's killer, but find Harry now
British police are digging out Harry's grave after he was seen by Holly
If they're opening the grave, what were the "ashes" spread at the funeral?
More info revealed in German or other language…
We are left to figure out what's being said/revealed only through facial
expressions and the tone/mood of the score
Anna is taken to International Police Headquarters again
Then revealed that Joseph Hobbin's body was buried in Lime's place.. Harry is
still alive and the police believe Anna knows such and has seen him
Hobbin was the one brought up by Martins earlier in the film but there
was little information said about him
Harry escaped "safe" in the Russian zone
Calloway working with Holly Martins
Both men visiting children's hospital (largest in Vienna)
Calloway shows the children Lime has affected because of his marketing
Martins meets Lime and they go to ride a ferris wheel over Vienna
Martins tells that the government knows he faked his death
Weird interaction
Lime reveals how little his victims meant -- extremely amoral
Martins and Anna in the train station
Anna confronts Martins for working with Calloway
He reveals that Calloway was helping to assure that Anna was safe
This puts off Martins decision to leave Vienna
Lime in sewer again, shots going back and forth
Police meet him there as he tries to escape
Shot and too badly injured to make it up the ladder and out
Final shot - suspecting that Lime was killed
Last frame, after Lime's second and real funeral
Anna walking down the street, in the direction of Holly, but walks right
past him and ignores him
She never makes eye contact with him or looks his way
As she walks towards the camera, she veers to the right to be out of the
way of the camera
Pointing to the lack of technological advancements in editing
because it's obvious she veers as to not hit the camera
Lecture 7: The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1959)
Monday, April 23, 2018
1:58 PM
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Classic of film noir
Long title page, bell tower sound, Big Ben in the left portion of the frame ----
British film, British production
Credits are laid on a background of guitar strings
Now going back to this point after viewing the film, could these be
*"ukulele"* strings
Importance of the score being all string music
"Carol Reed's production of The Third Man by Graham Greene" official title
Lighthearted, upbeat, almost ukulele-like Spongebob music
**Vienna** Title frame
Man's voice narrating his knowledge about Vienna, Austria and it's post-WWII
Historically explaining Vienna and its division into four parts (France, Russia,
Britain, USA)
Narrator speaking very fast over frames of Vienna
Man on train (perhaps our narrator?)
Man seems in a rush perhaps
Man is going to visit a friend (Harry Lime) who he finds out has passed just
before his arrival
He was going because Lime offered him a job
Straight cut to the cemetery where the funeral/burial is being held
Somber faces
No English being spoken
Closeup of the film's key characters, specifically Anna Schmidt (lover of
Harry Lime)
Ashes being spread
Importance of never seeing this man Lime and his body?
"best friend I ever had" - Holly Martins speaking on Harry Lime
Holly seems very upset and angered in next scene.. Perhaps drunk?
Yes drunk
Reveals he has a bit of a drinking problem, but it isn’t a well-highlighted
theme of the film
Raging in the bar about police, etc..
Holly is an author, his stories are well known among the men he is encountering
American novelist
Crabbin - introduces himself to Martins
All of the dialogue is pretty fast
Phone rings for Martins
More music sounding similar to the opening credits score plays as Martins walks
through Vienna
"it's wonderful how you keep the tension… suspense"
Martins is trying to solve the "crime" of Harry's death, as he finds is suspicious
that he was just accidentally killed by a speeding vehicle, surrounded by his
"even at the end, his thoughts were on you" - Harry's thoughts on Holly Martins
Contradicting information, because few of the stories of the "accident" say
that he died instantaneously or something
Mystery surrounding Harry's death and who he was with at the time
Suspicious that he was surrounded by acquaintances at his death, and that
there isn't much evidence
Everyone writing the death off as a true and tragic accident
Martins in search of Ms. Schmidt
An actress who has just performed in a theatrical production
Harry Lime's lover (at the time of his death)
Holly Martins questions if Schmidt loved Lime.. She says she doesn’t know
anything regarding his death except that she wants to be dead too
Harry couldn’t have been in much pain when he died because he had many last
He spoke on Anna Schmidt and Holly Martins (supposedly) before passing
on the sidewalk
No strangers were around when Harry died, just people very close to him
Accident or not??
Was he murdered by a friend of his?
It was told that after Harry was hit by the car, he was still alive and was carried
to the sidewalk across the street by two/three men (the two men were Kurtz
and Popescu)
Discrepancy in the stories here
Everyone including the police report says that there were only two men
carrying Harry Lime
The porter of Lime's place says there were three men
Who is "The Third Man"?
He also says that Lime died instantaneously so there is no way he
would've talked about any of his loved ones, or given any
Sadder more somber music playing as Schmidt brushes her hair
Importance of the same type of string score
Harry could not have been alive after the impact he suffered "because of how his
head was" (witness says)
Shot-reverse-shot (first time used?)
Very intense
Revelation that not all witnesses gave accounts of what happened
This is where the variation of stories comes in
First time these close ups happen, signifying importance and gravity of
information being revealed
Gap - temporary? How exactly did Harry die?
This informational gap pushes the film for the audience
Entire point of the film is to find out exactly how Harry died.. Who did it,
who was there, details.
Debate over whether or not the death was an accident
Holly Martins believes there are too many lies circulating
Small child is revealed as Martins yells at the porter for not being forthcoming
with his knowledge
Who is the boy? Does he understand what's going on?
Seems that lots of information is revealed in German
Holly cannot understand, nobody really translates to him, so we are both
lacking information
Police searching Schmidt's loft
Police say Harry Lime was murdered and that Schmidt wasn't bothered
with gathering evidence to conclude such
Lime was a racketeer [either killed by his friends or an accident]
Calloway - detective/officer (Major)
Schmidt has forged papers made by Lime, and she claims that was the only bad
thing he ever did
Holly Martins was told repeatedly not to get involved by Major Calloway because
of who Lime was, and now he is entangled in this murder investigation of his
Film starts with the death of Lime, so now we know everything will surround
Although, the very beginning of the film seemed relatively adventurous
(positively), unless I missed a detail
Music playing again now in a moment of fear for Schmidt as she is awaiting
Dr. Winkel being looked for (Lime's doctor "medical advisor"
Wasn't present @ time of death, but arrived shortly after and said only
two men were present with Lime
Lime was run over by a car, two friends were with him, he was dead
instantaneously… conscious for a few moments as he was carried across
the road… according to Winkel, the death was accidental
Holly wants to know if he was pushed.. Thus, murdered
Whenever Schmidt is around, score is somber… violin at the bar
Multiplicities of stories being told about the death
Difference in score/background music played as each person tells their
Reliance on the police report untrue because that also says there were only 2
men present when the porter says there were 3
Some people believe Lime was involved in racket, but apparently it was
impossible (not actually impossible)
Joseph Hobbin (?) - brought up by Holly
What was said about him?
Man holly just interviewed on the phone immediately, again not speaking
Buildup of tension/suspense through music, audience expectation of something
Shocked face of the porter at Lime's apartment after he yells out of the window
We never see what he saw
Huge tension moment and informational gap
What did he see? Who was it? Fear in his eyes
Quick dissolve to the next scene.. Smith and Holly
Small child's voice.. Finally being vocal.. Yelling… his yelling is causing more of an
uproar than there already is outside of apartment
Porter has been murdered
Conveniently before he was supposed to tip Martins more information
surrounding Lime's death
Kid is following Holly and Schmidt screaming "papa, papa!!" (??)
According to synopsis, he recognizes Martins as being the man who was
yelling at the porter earlier, and is leading the crowd to believe he is a
suspect/the murderer
Plot = double homicide at this point
Calloway hiding evidence as well? He keeps suggesting that Martins leave
He seems to be the most suspicious
How is this tool of style enhancing the plot?
Smith and holly grow a romantic relationship or feelings of some sort
Kinda saw this coming in their interactions
He seemed fond of her to start
She was grieving so her vulnerability was understandable
Major Calloway reveals important info about Harry and his lifestyle
He was stealing penicillin from the hospitals and black marketing it
Martins finally seems convinced to drop the investigation and leave Vienna
Holly goes to visit Anna to say goodbye, and she tells him that she is being
He tries to interact with her cat which turns into a significant moment?
Importance of the cat
The cat only liked Harry (Anna reveals when Holly tries to interact with it)
The cat was snuggling up to a man's shoes, face not shown on the porch
Has to be snuggling up to Harry because of what Anna JUST revealed
A gap that was quickly closed, leading for the main gap to be
partially closed as well
"he was better dead" -- Anna
Harry is alive!
Holly professes love for Anna (somewhat)
Martins says there was justice in Harry's death if it was a murder
Loudness of the somber music again
Cat still on the stoop, meowing after Holly
Harry is alive, face revealed by bright light as angry woman shouts from a
window above him
Slight smirk on Harry's face, and "unseriousness" of the shot = comedic
Holly almost gets hit by a car as he tries to run over to Harry on the stoop
Harry takes off running
Intense music playing again (strong)
Martins enlists the help of Major Calloway who deduces that Lime was in the
Sewer as a new location
It was suggested that Harry escaped through the sewer system
Beginning a new portion of this investigation - no longer trying to find
Harry's killer, but find Harry now
British police are digging out Harry's grave after he was seen by Holly
If they're opening the grave, what were the "ashes" spread at the funeral?
More info revealed in German or other language…
We are left to figure out what's being said/revealed only through facial
expressions and the tone/mood of the score
Anna is taken to International Police Headquarters again
Then revealed that Joseph Hobbin's body was buried in Lime's place.. Harry is
still alive and the police believe Anna knows such and has seen him
Hobbin was the one brought up by Martins earlier in the film but there
was little information said about him
Harry escaped "safe" in the Russian zone
Calloway working with Holly Martins
Both men visiting children's hospital (largest in Vienna)
Calloway shows the children Lime has affected because of his marketing
Martins meets Lime and they go to ride a ferris wheel over Vienna
Martins tells that the government knows he faked his death
Weird interaction
Lime reveals how little his victims meant -- extremely amoral
Martins and Anna in the train station
Anna confronts Martins for working with Calloway
He reveals that Calloway was helping to assure that Anna was safe
This puts off Martins decision to leave Vienna
Lime in sewer again, shots going back and forth
Police meet him there as he tries to escape
Shot and too badly injured to make it up the ladder and out
Final shot - suspecting that Lime was killed
Last frame, after Lime's second and real funeral
Anna walking down the street, in the direction of Holly, but walks right
past him and ignores him
She never makes eye contact with him or looks his way
As she walks towards the camera, she veers to the right to be out of the
way of the camera
Pointing to the lack of technological advancements in editing
because it's obvious she veers as to not hit the camera
Lecture 7: The Third Man (Carol Reed, 1959)
Monday, April 23, 2018 1:58 PM
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