BIOS 230 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Hawfinch, Geospiza, Glyptodont

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30 Jan 2017

Document Summary

When humans select for various traits (and decide who breeds), the organsims response to artificial selection is often dramatic. Selective breeding shows the potential of modification the amount of variation that exists in populations. No longer in use, but present in reduced form. Loss of functional eyes i cave dwelling fish. If we were hairy, like our close relative the chimpanzee, contraction of our arrector pili muscles would make our fur stand up to keep us warm, or to make us look more intimidating. Charles darwin, evolutionary thought, and the evidence for evolution. Darwin formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection in the mid 1800s. Important work by others set the stage for darwin"s ideas. Remembered primarily for his maligned views on inheritance of acquired characteristics. Lamarck"s theory of evolution proposed the characterics of an organism that developed during its lifetime in response to its environment are inherited by or passed on to its offspring.