BIO 469 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Animal, Stromatolite, Molecular Clock

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8/28/17 Monday
Animal: Metazoan
Consumes food available in the environment ( doesn’t produce it’s own food;
Able to actively move at some stage of lifestyle
Have a nervous system
Bundle of nerve endings that transport info to various tissues
Sponges and placozoa lack them
Composed of tissues & organs:
But, sponges and placozoa lack them
An organism that produced gametes in reproductive organs and develops from egg
through embryo to adult
What is an Invert?
Any metazoan animal that lacks a backbone
Any metazoan animal that is not within the Vertebrata clade
Inverts are 97% of animal diversity
Metazoa (=animalia)
Neurotransmitters: RF-amide and acetylcholine
Presence of protein kinase C for cell signaling
Presence of special glycoproteins: collagens
Monophyletic taxon, containing 35-40 phyla (changing #)
About 1.3 million living species ( est. 2 to 100 million undescribed species )
Where Metazoa came from
Molecular clock suggest plants and animals diverged ca. 1.6 billion years ago
Stromatolites form through the accretion of sediments by cyanobacteria (blue-green
Once abundant in the Proterozoic, stromatolites are now rare and considered ‘living
Phylum Concept
Each body plan represents a phylum which can be defines as a group of species sharing
a common ancestry and unique assemblage of traits.
35-40 different phyla in the animal kingdom, 98% of all animals fall into 10 main ones
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Document Summary

Consumes food available in the environment ( doesn"t produce it"s own food; photo,chemo,etc) Able to actively move at some stage of lifestyle. Bundle of nerve endings that transport info to various tissues. An organism that produced gametes in reproductive organs and develops from egg through embryo to adult. Any metazoan animal that lacks a backbone. Any metazoan animal that is not within the vertebrata clade. Presence of protein kinase c for cell signaling. Monophyletic taxon, containing 35-40 phyla (changing #) About 1. 3 million living species ( est. Molecular clock suggest plants and animals diverged ca. Stromatolites form through the accretion of sediments by cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Once abundant in the proterozoic, stromatolites are now rare and considered living fossils". Each body plan represents a phylum which can be defines as a group of species sharing a common ancestry and unique assemblage of traits. 35-40 different phyla in the animal kingdom, 98% of all animals fall into 10 main ones.