CHEM 2320 Lecture 9: 01.29.17

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Manu signals we should expect depends on the symmetry of the molecule. Having differences in negativity of that hybridization electro carbon can affect the sp2 t. Arises from the movement of it electrons. Look at direction of the magnetic field lines in the area where the protons are residing . For benzene the magnetic field is in an area where the protons. Bettective . moving it to a higher frequency more downfield. Here have a single a bond . both. 9o degrees so they have electrons all the way around it this case the lines to the field . are opposed magnetic. For a proton that"s been affected by any of. The things that we"ve seen already the more protons are attached to this carbon the further it goer downfield . Even it it were another atom , like oxygen in the middle , the same trend would occur at denudes.