BIO 365S Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Oxygen Mask, Simple Squamous Epithelium, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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16 May 2018
Successful respiration requires all 4 processes!
Bringing oxygen into lungs = beginning of breathing.
Diabetes patients: RBCs have glucose, can damage capillary structures, and in peripheral tissue
has a lot of capillaries (affect those areas getting nutrients), can cause problems. Retina also has
a lot of capillaries, when damaged, pigment cells die, so you’re lid = atarat.
When O2 reaches lungs, it drops to 100mmHg (O2-rich environment). Inside body has
significant amount of CO2, more than outside, because we produce CO2, highest in peripheral
High O2 outside to simple diffuse into alveoli, which has higher than blood, simple diffuse, and
then high in blood and low in cells, so diffusion again.
If diseased, alveoli gets affected in terms of how much O2 it can carry so affects how much O2
blood can carry to cells. Need oxygen mask.
Alveoli and capillary has simple squamous layer for diffusion.
If have water in b/w those layers = lung emphysema, decreases ability of lungs to deliver the
normal amount of oxygen to blood.
Dilate = can increase O2 delivery because resistance decreased.
Constrict = decrease O2 delivery because resistance increased, divert blood to less restricted
Emphysema = plastic bag, high compliance. Damaged elastic fibers. Problems exhaling. O2
levels are normal or lower because difficulty is to get CO2 out.
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