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Michael De Robertis, Alireza Rafiee

Verified Documents for Michael De Robertis, Alireza Rafiee

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
NATS 1740 Lecture 1: Modern view of the Universe 1.1
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Interstellar Cloud, Virgo Supercluster, Nuclear Fusion
Chapter 1: a modern view of the universe. *understanding goals: - our place in the universe (geographical place => but beyond that we have meaning and
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Milky Way, Bertrand Russell, Virgo Supercluster
Universe: the sum of everything (all matter, energy, space) within and between galaxies. + some people suggest universe is more than this => philosophy
NATS 1740 Lecture 2: The Universe 1.2
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Cosmic Calendar, Dark Matter, Local Group
Compare out lifetimes to the age of the universe: how did we come to be, birth of the universe. => expansion (not an explosion, not a bomb): big ban
NATS 1740 Lecture 3: History of the Universe 1.25
NATS 1740 Lecture 4: Spaceship Earth 1.3
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Ecliptic, Angular Diameter, Circumpolar Star
*understanding goals: - universe look like from earth. We can see 2,000 stars and the milky way (super dark + good vision or through telescope) Constel
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Sidereal Time, Electric Light
Star trails (time exposure) shows the south celestial poles (scp) and the celestial equator. You can calculate how far away are those trails. + the sun
NATS 1740 Lecture 5: Patterns in the night sky 2.1
NATS 1740 Lecture 6: The reason for seasons 2.2
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: New Moon, The Moons, Ecliptic
The moon takes 27. 3 day to go once around earth (sidereal period), but phases have a period of. + earth rotates on its axis (counterclockwise), there
NATS 1740 Lecture 7: The moon 2.3
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Retrograde And Prograde Motion, Naked Eyes, Scientific Method
They only depended on dark night, there was no artificial light at that time. *planets known in ancient times: mercury (close to the sun, venus (bright
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Geocentric Model, Ellipse, Orbital Period
How galileo solidified the copernican revolution: copernicus, tycho and kepler challenged the earth-centered model. Copernicus proposed heliocentric mo
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Copernican Revolution, Scientific Theory, Falsifiability
+ galileo stated objects in air would stay still as the earth is moving. => aristotle thought all objects would come to rest at the centre of the un
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Net Force, Tsiolkovsky Rocket Equation, Weightlessness
Velocity (v): speed and direction e. g: 10m/s due east or going around in the circle. Acceleration: any change in velocity (speed/time square) (m/s2).
NATS 1740 Lecture 10: Ancient Greek Science 3.2
NATS 1740 Lecture 11: The Copernican Revolution 3.3
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Angular Momentum, Thermal Energy, Hyperbola
If an object travels (has momentum, speed) will not change unless an external force acts on it. As long as you move at constant speed, the momentum wil
NATS 1740 Lecture 12: Copernican Revolution cont. 3.35
NATS 1740 Lecture 13: The nature of science 3.4
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Tidal Locking, Hyperbola, The Moons
Earth rotates on its axis once a day => 2 high + 2 low tides daily on earth (most places) The tides on earth largely result of the moon (70% of moon"s
NATS 1740 Lecture 14: Describing Motion 4.1
NATS 1740 Lecture 15: Conservation laws 4.3
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Neon Lighting, Photon
*understanding goals: - three basic types of spectra: spectrum. The way light tells us what things are made of. Lights tell us the temperature of plane
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Giant Planet, Terrestrial Planet, Ammonia
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Flattening, Terrestrial Planet, The Technique
6. 3 explaining the major features of solar system. The reason of the two major planet. In order to distinguish the planets, we have something like thi
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Mass Number, Atomic Number, Basalt
*review: radioactivity (atomic number, atomic mass number, isotope) Mercury: it"s not easy to access mercury, heavily craters, and a lot of cliffs (bec
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Meteor Crater, Impact Crater, Lunar Mare
+magnets stick together => the same force of electricity. +moving charged particles create magnetic fields => created by earth"s interior if its core c
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Water On Mars, Solar Wind, Maven
1st billion years, there were water on mars, but now it dried. Because mars" magnetic field (a shield prevents harmful stuff from the sun, which allows
NATS 1740 Lecture 28: 7 November 2018
Jupiter is more massive three times than other planets, saturn, uranus, neptune. The average density of jovian planets are 3-4 times less than terrestr
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Galilean Moons, Ring System, Light Curve
8. 2 a wealth of worlds: satellites of ice and rock. *understanding goals: kinds of moons orbit the jovian planets. Geological activity that we see on
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Asteroid Belt, Ecliptic, Dwarf
Chapter 9: asteroids, comets, and dwarf planets their. Asteroids: rocky, inside the ice line, inner-solar system remnants. + they leave long-exposure b
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 33: Kuiper Belt, Ecliptic, Gas Giant
Bigger than earth, orbiting primarily the sun. Pluto"s orbit is tilted elliptical, 17 degree. Neptune orbits 3 times while the time pluto orbits twice
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 34: Exoplanet, Planetary System, 51 Pegasi
Chapter 10: other planetary systems the new science of. *understanding goals: - detecting planets around other stars. A nearby planetary system has bee
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 36: Light Curve, Orbital Period
From nasa, mission to search for transits from 2009-2013. Measure 0. 01% decline in brightness when an earth-mass planet eclipses a sun-like atar. Have
NATS 1740 Lecture Notes - Lecture 37: Planetary Migration, Hot Jupiter, Giant Planet
*understanding goals: - modifying our theory of solar system formation. Yes, we need to because to have the jupiter inside the orbit of mercury is a pr