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Matthew Butner

Verified Documents for Matthew Butner

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Working Directory
Ecs 36b - lecture 1 - introduction & command line. Homeworks will demand 20-40 hours a week depending on your skill level. Builds off ecs 36a -- sh
ECS 36B Lecture 2: Transitioning to C
Ecs 36b - lecture 2 - transitioning to c. #include // another example of how to import from available c library. Unlike python, c variables cannot cha
ECS 36B Lecture 3: Transitioning to C Part Two
Ecs 36b - lecture 3 - transitioning to c part two. #define red 0 replaces all occurrences of red in the program with 0. #define yellow 1 define ___ has
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Newtype, Null Character, C String Handling
Ecs 36b - lecture 4 - transitioning to c. Format: name of the variable + bracket + size int ar1[ ] = {1,5,8,23,-2,65,9,5}; //doesn"t have anything to t
ECS 36B Lecture 5: Pointers in C
John owns a house that takes up one plot at address 0 and stores a 5. Chris owns a house that takes up one plot at address 1 and stores a 4. Amy owns a
ECS 36B Lecture 6: More Pointers
Ecs 36b - lecture 6 - more pointers. - both of the following determine how much space do i want allocated -- int* ar = (int*) calloc (num_elements, siz
ECS 36B Lecture 8: Command Line Arguments
Ecs 36b - lecture 8 - command line arguments. Basic way of taking input has been through scanf , but if we can also take input using the. Argc -- numbe
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Include Directive, C Standard Library, Uptodate
Dividing files into multiple files helps with the organization of the overall project. More usable because different files become libraries. Need to br
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Ncurses
It"s a terminal handling library typically used under unix and windows. Allows you to write to any location on the screen. Treats the terminal like a 2
ECS 36B Lecture 11: Transitioning to C++
Ecs 36b - lecture 11 - transitioning to c++ Kodethon will only look at the textoutput file. Ta"s will play the game to verify full credit. Screen: game
ECS 36B Lecture 12: Containers
Refer to tic-tac-toe program to help with the midterm. To debug, run debug attach to program. Add commands asking for input someplace before the code y
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Smart Pointer
Ecs 36b - lecture 13 - smart pointers. When the smart pointer is deleted, the memory that it points to is also erased. If used correctly, your program
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Object-Oriented Programming, Member Variable, Semicolon
Object oriented programming is the main focus of this course! The first few weeks were focused on programming in c because it built some foundation for
ECS 36B Lecture 16: Streams and Overloading
Ecs 36b - lecture 16 - streams and operator overloading. Generalizes your program"s different sources of input characters. Creates a general place for
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Include Directive
Ecs 36b - lecture 17 - friendship & templates. Encapsulation of data -- internal workings of your program do not need to be disclosed to outside so
ECS 36B Lecture 20: Templating and Iterators
Ecs 36b - lecture 20 - templating and iterators. Today, the professor will show how to work with templates by programming a practical example -- will b
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Null Pointer, Include Directive
Ecs 36b - lecture 23 - inheritance and polymorphism. Topics will be explored through a program made with the class -- the program will be available in
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Jetbrains, Virtual Function
Ecs 36b - lecture 24 - more applications of inheritance. Will work on the class pokemon project and review the application of key c++ topics. Members:
ECS 36B Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: In C
Definition of an exception: an error" that is thrown" by the compiler when an out of the ordinary event that the compiler believes shouldn"t happen, oc