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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for CSE 1010 - Introduction to Computing for Engineers at University of Connecticut …
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Joseph Johnson
Jeff Meunier
Ahmad Jbara

Verified Documents for Joseph Johnson

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Arduino, Microcontroller
Cse1010 - lecture 1 - introduction to computing for engineers. The arduino kit is an easy to use microcontroller that we"ll be using to interface with
CSE 1010 Lecture 2: CSE 1010 - Lecture 2 - Introduction to Python
Cse 1010 - lecture 2 - introduction to python. Idle offers an interactive mode to get to know python and experiment. Tells you what the result of an ex
CSE 1010 Lecture 3: CSE 1010 - Lecture 3 - Variables
A named storage location which can only storage one thing. The value in the storage location can be replaced with an assignment statement. #this statem
CSE 1010 Lecture 4: CSE1010 - Lecture 4 - Lists
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: George Boole, Boolean Expression
CSE 1010 Lecture 6: CSE 1010 - Lecture 6 - The If Statement
Cse1010 - lecture 6 - the if statement. If statement format: also known as a conditional statement if condition: consequent. The condition is anything
CSE 1010 Lecture 7: CSE1010 Lecture 7 - While Loops
While loop: while loops are a way to repeat statements as long as a condition is true. While loop format: while condition: statements increment variabl
CSE 1010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: For Loop
Cse1010 - lecture 8 - for loops & ranges. For loops: used for iterating over a sequence. With the for loop you can execute a set of statements, once fo
CSE 1010 Lecture 9: CSC1010 - Lecture 9 - User-Defined Functions
Function: a way to group statements ( a sequence of instructions) and give the a name. Functions are used to solve a small piece of a problem once and
CSE 1010 Lecture 10: CSE1010 - Lecture 10 - More Loops
Generate a list of random numbers, each in the range 0 to 10. Import random nums = [] #this generates an empty list n = 0 while n<10: #loop control
CSE 1010 Lecture 11: CSE 1010 - Lecture 11 - Python: Dictionary
Dictionary: a strategy for storing data in memory. Stores collections of values just likes a list does. Has the ability to find an element within a col
CSE 1010 Lecture 12: CSE 1010 - Lecture 12 - The get( ) Method & Nested Loops