ITM 706 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Business Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, Insurance Policy

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If a composite is deleted, its parts are deleted as well. If an aggregate is deleted, its parts are deleted as well. aggregation imply an existence dependency between the aggregating and aggregated concepts. composition does not imply an existence dependency between the aggregating and aggregated concepts. Archimate models all ea domains and relations between them. Archimate is both a process and a language for ea. Which are the relationships in the diagram? (single choice) realization, serving, aggregation assignment, composition, realization access, realization, assignment flow, assignment, composition. Which of the following is not correct in archimate? (single choice) Business process" is a business layer active structure concept. Business process" is a business layer behavior concept. A collaboration represents an aggregate of two or more internal active structure elements. An interaction represents a unit of collective behavior that must be performed by two or more internal active structure elements. When does the or-join gateway proceed? ( single choice)