MATH-UA 120 Quiz: Geometric Properties

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28 Nov 2021

Document Summary

Introduction to geometric properties: supplement postulate (sp) Note: the sum of two angles in a supplementary postulate is 180. Opposite angles that form an x figure are congruent. Consecutive angles (angles beside each other) form a supplement postulate. Note: opposite means up and down, left and right. 1 and 2 are supplementary, so as 3 and 4. If two angles share the same vertex or middle and form letter x, it is a vat. Take note of these: 1 3 and 2 4. 4 = 113: opposite means up and down, left and right, consecutive angles (angles beside each other) form a supplement postulate. So is, 4 = 121: angle sum at a point postulate (aspp) The sum of the measures of the angle at a same point is 360. This is most likely in a circle because a circle measures 360. O is the point of a circle and the vertex of all angles.