STAT 101 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication, Display Rules, Belief Perseverance

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3 Dec 2021

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Chapter 4 - social perception: how we come to understand other. Learning objective: 4. 1 explain how people use nonverbal cues to understand others: nonverbal expressions provide others with a wealth of information about us. First, people frequently display affect blends, in which one part of their face registers one emotion while another part registers a different emotion. Second, aspects of the same facial expression can have different implications based on context and other cues. Third, cultural differences may be a factor: culture and the channels of nonverbal communication, display rules are particular to each culture and dictate what kinds of. Ones like the ok sign and flipping the bird, which have clear, well-understood definitions, are called emblems. Emblems are not universal, though; each culture has devised its own emblems, which are not necessarily understandable to people from other cultures (see figure 4. 1): features, try it! Using your voice as a nonverbal cue: review questions.