TRN305Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Multilateralism, Pacta Sunt Servanda, Refugee Law

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12 Aug 2022

Document Summary

The name for the body of customary and conventional rules which are considered legally binding by civilized states in their relations w/ each other . Lassa francis oppenheim, international law: a treatise - 1908. Various developments from 19th c onwards evolved classical understanding of international law. Initially interstate project (btw states) to one that recognizes participation & interests of numerous actors. Usually referring to one specific thing, but can be split into 2 things. Public international law usually what we refer to. Each field can themselves be distinguished into numerous bodies of law/subfields. Often called conflict of laws a system of rules used to determine what jurisdiction applies to a dispute that has a foreign element to it. Deals w/ jurisdiction, foreign judgments and choice of law. Body of law that deals w/ the obligations & rights that countries & other international actors have towards one another & to individuals.