SOC-1 Study Guide - Academic Dishonesty, Symbolic Interactionism, Structural Functionalism

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3 Oct 2022

Document Summary

In preparation for exam i and for credit towards the exam, complete the following study guide. For full credit your study guide must be complete and typed. Responses should be detailed, critical, analytical, and should accurately reflect course readings and class discussions. You must submit your own work and your answers must be your own. Academic dishonesty in any form will result in a zero on the study guide. An electronic copy of the study guide must be submitted to canvas before you take the exam. 1: compare how biologists, psychologists, and sociologists study people. Identify the unique characteristics of sociology as a discipline: people often look at divorce as an individual problem. Describe his major findings and important conclusions: discuss the social and historical forces that played a role in your decision to attend college. Remember to consider these from a sociological, rather than an individualistic perspective.