BIO Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Eosinophil, Chemotaxis, Acidophile

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Diameter: diameter of eosinophils is similar to neutrophils, i. e. 10 14 m. Nucleus: nucleus is purple in colour and is bilobed in 85% of the cells, the two lobes are connected by the chromatin strands and thus look spectacle shaped, the remaining 15% of the eosinophils have a trilobed nucleus. Eosinophils are not very motile and thus have a very mild phagocytic activity: role in parasitic infestations. They play an important role in the defence mechanism of body, especially in parasitic infestations. eosinophils act through the following lethal substances present in their granules: major basic protein (mbp). The eosinophils increase in number in allergic conditions like bronchial asthma and hay fever. They are capable of detoxifying inflammation-inducing substances (released by mast cells and basophils), like histamine and bradykinin. They phagocytose and destroy antigen antibody complexes and thus prevent spread of local inflammatory process: role in immunity.