MEDICINE Study Guide - Cyclic Neutropenia, Neutropenia, Agranulocytosis

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Cyclic neutropenia is an unusual form of agranulocytosis. Characterized by a periodic or cyclic diminution in circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes as a result of bone marrow maturation arrest. The etiology of this disease is unknown. Although the role of hormonal and allergic factors in the etiology of the disease has been. Exist at least two additional rare hereditary forms of the disease, one cyclic and the other noncyclic. In addition, a chronic idiopathic neutropenia, noncyclic and nonfamilial, associated with severe persistent gingivitis has been reported. The symptoms are similar to those of typical agranulocytosis except that they are usually milder. The patients manifest fever, malaise, sore throat, stomatitis and regional lymphadenopathy, as well as headache, arthritis, cutaneous infection and conjunctivitis. Neutrophil count is low for such a short time. Patients with this disease typically exhibit a severe gingivitis, sometimes a stomatitis with ulceration, which corresponds to the period of the neutropenia.