PSY 101 Lecture Notes - Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, Light Therapy, Eye Movement

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20 Nov 2022

Document Summary

Biological rythm- a periodic, more or less regular fluctuation in a biological system. Circadian rythm- a biological rhythm with a period of 24 hours. Suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn)- located in the hypothalamus contains a biological clock governing circadian rhythms. When the clock is out of sync. Internal desynchronization- a state when biological rhythms are not in phase with one another. (jet lag) Controversial disorder in which a person may experience: In winter we have less sun, therefore less. Abnormality in the production of or response to melatonin. Delta waves begin; breathing and pulse slow down. Also called paradoxical sleep because the brain is extremely active while the body is entirely inactive. The ability of new brain cells to develop or mature normally. Sleep apnea- breathing briefly stops during sleep, causing the person to choke and gasp and momentarily awaken. Parasomnias are undesired arousal or actions during sleep. Narcolepsy- sudden and unpredictable daytime attacks of sleepiness or lapses in.