ANTH 101 Study Guide - Paranthropus, Homo Naledi, Sagittal Crest

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9 Jan 2023

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Week 11 study questions: continue adding to your hominin chart robust australopithecines (paranthropus), h. habilis, naledi, and h. erectus general dates and locations, physical and behavioral features. Taphonomy studies how organisms decay and become fossilized or preserved in the paleontological record. For example, researchers can tell that hominins were carnivores who hunted animals with tools and used them to eat them: be sure to watch the ted talk on a. afarensis and the three short national geographic videos. Key terms/fossils/sites: sagittal crest- ridge running anterior to posterior on the skull zygomatic arch-cheekbone temporal fossa- shallow depression of the temporal region on the head. Post-orbital constriction-narrowing of the head posterior to the brow ridges and eye sockets. Osteodontokeratic culture: found by dart, later discredited, use of bone and horns to hunt. Zhoukoudian- peking man (h. erectus) china, lost during wwii. Rising star: site of homo naledi discovery.