PSY-1 Study Guide - Twin, Behavioral Neuroscience, Epigenetics

23 views6 pages
27 Apr 2023

Document Summary

As seen from the different branches in psychology, behaviors can stem from a variety of perspectives. Biopsychology studies psychological behaviors from a more genealogical standpoint, focusing on how inherited genes can affect not just the physiological, but psychological traits of a person. Charles darwin further explored the concept of inheritance of traits throughout generations in his theory of evolution through natural selection. In this darwin explains that organisms with stronger traits and more durability within their environments will have a higher survivability rate in that those who are strong will live, leaving the weak to die. Borrowing darwin"s core concept, evolutionary psychology takes an introspective look on how behaviors and cognitive processes have evolved over time through inherited traits. Within the field, behavioral geneticists focus their research on the appearance on individual traits or differences within genes and the environment.