
Part 2:

Explain the following managerial accounting terms and provide areal-life example for each

accounting term:

administrative expenses and selling expenses

. Explain why each accounting term is

either classified as a product cost or period cost.


Part 3:

Explain the following inventory account and provide a real-lifeexample from three (3) different

manufacturing companies:

raw materials inventory



Part 4:

Explain the following inventory account and provide a real-lifeexample from three (3) different

manufacturing companies:

work-in-process inventory



Part 5:

Explain the following inventory account and provide a real-lifeexample from three (3) different

manufacturing companies:

finished goods inventory



Part 6:

Explain what financial statement

inventory costs

are capitalized to and why. Explain when

inventory costs are incurred as an expense. What account is usedto classify inventory costs as an


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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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