
On January 2, 2006, Pagan Corporation acquired 40% of theoutstanding common stock of Sancto Company for $1,000,000. On thatdate, the current fair value of Sancto's identifiable net assetswas $2,000,000, and Pagan did not attribute the excess of the costof its investment in Sancto over its equity in Sancto'sidentifiable net assets to any one factor. Sancto's 2006 net incomewas $250,000. Pagan planned to increase its investment in Sancto toa controlling interest, and Pagan accounted for its investment inSancto under the equity method of accounting. The maximum amountthat may be included in Pagan's 2006 income before income taxes toreflect investment income from Sancto is:

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019

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